The 11 (Real) Best Things About Grad School

Wonder what itСAPPs like being a grad student? A few weeks ago we did that really werenСAPPt all that great. This time we actually have some things that are great about being a grad student.

1. You have a purpose.
The work youСAPPre doing makes an impact, and thatСAPPs something you can hang your hat on at the end of each day.

2. You get to work with awesome faculty members.
These faculty members are some of the best in their fieldСAPPthey know a lot, and they are invested in you.

3. You learn to learn from your failures.
You probably have and probably will fail a lot, but you learn to look at failure as a learning experience and not a road block.

4. YouСAPPre continuously getting smarter.
The brain was designed to learn and youСAPPre continuously learning new things. YouСAPPre creating new knowledge.

5. The people you hang around are pretty smart, too.
Chances are their knowledge will rub off on you and youСAPPll find yourself knowing interesting stuff about their particular fields of study.

6. Your job has its perks.
You get to take advantage of your institutionСAPPs library, labs, gym, pool, and health care services while youСAPPre a grad student. Most people canСAPPt say they have those things in their office.

7. Your schedule is flexible.
If you feel like going on a 6-hour Netflix binge, thatСAPPs okay, because youСAPPll likely make up that research time on Saturday at 2 a.m. or maybe even on a Tuesday afternoon. ItСAPPs up to you, as long as you meet your deadlines.

8. YouСAPPre job is interesting.
You chose to study and focus on something that interests you, so youСAPPre reading, researching, and writing about a topic that you really care about.

9. YouСAPPre advancing yourself personally.
You spend the better part of your life (your 20СAPPs) in graduate school, which isnСAPPt necessarily a bad thing. The whole process of going through grad school allows you to develop yourself as an individual.

10.  YouСAPPre advancing yourself professionally.
Not only are you advancing yourself personally, but professionally as well. You develop skills and abilities that you will use all throughout your career.

11. YouСAPPre advancing society.
Education is the backbone of a functioning society, and the research that you do each day is  transforming that society and providing us with a better understanding of the world in which we live.



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