Grad School Truths & Myths

Ask 10 people what they think of grad school, and youСAPPll probably get 10 different opinions.

ThereСAPPs a lot of grad school myths out there, but thereСAPPs also a lot of grad school truths. HereСAPPs 5 of each for you to think through as you consider your grad school options.

Truth #1: You may feel like youСAPPve started over.

When you get into grad school, you might think youСAPPve gained all the knowledge thatСAPPs possible to learn about your field. Not so fast! It wonСAPPt be long before youСAPPll learn that youСAPPve just scratched the surface. But thatСAPPs a good thing---itСAPPs a whole new world in grad school! We all have much to learn, so upward and onward!

Truth #2: Your career essentially starts in grad school.

Sure, you may not be able to slap that new job title on your LinkedIn or start contributing to the 401K, but you should definitely think of grad school as your first job. Always go above and beyond, and think of it as your first step toward professional success. Give it your all and start your career off on the right foot.

Truth #3: ItСAPPs lecture time!

Whatever the discipline,l youСAPPll be doing a LOT of reading and listening in grad school, so make sure youСAPPre okay with that. Even in more СAPPhands-onСAPP careers like art, theatre, and design, youСAPPll be learning the scholarship and taking in words of wisdom from professors who have put in many years to get where they are take notes and keep those nuggets of knowledge filed away!

Truth #4: Your friends will also be your competition.

Another grad school truth: youСAPPll likely make close friends, but youСAPPll also go head-to-head with them for future jobs, teaching positions, grants and awards, and the like. When opportunity arises, you and your peers will likely all want to go after it, so be prepared to get in the ring with those you might have become close with.

Truth #5: Grades donСAPPt matter (as much).

Now donСAPPt get all excited too fast, youСAPPll still need to keep your grades up to get through and graduate. If youСAPPre heading into academia, youСAPPll definitely want to nail a solid GPA. But all that said, the work you produce, your research and publishable work, is far more important than squeaking out that СAPPAСAPP when a СAPPBСAPP and a top-notch project will give you a greater advantage.

Now on to the graduate school myths. WhatСAPPs just not true that you might have heard?

Myth #1: You wonСAPPt have a social life.

Regardless of what I said about competition, youСAPPll make close friends in grad school, through all that shared effort and common vision. Sure, the СAPPsocial lifeСAPP might be over projects, late-night studying and piles of research, but the bonds youСAPPll form there could last a lifetime. Embrace your new social life, the friends made in graduate school could very well be your future coworkers, partners, and reviewers---or even your boss or employee.

Myth #2: Grad school isnСAPPt worth it if you didnСAPPt get into a top-shelf program.

Sure, maybe youСAPPre not calling Harvard or Yale home for that next degree, but an advanced degree isnСAPPt a waste of time just because you might not have been accepted into your top-pick school. When youСAPPre in that job interview, your future boss will want to see that you have the drive, passion, and persistence to succeed, and what school you went to will likely be immaterial.

Myth #3: In todayСAPPs job market, a graduate degree wonСAPPt do anything for you.

It depends on your field, but an advanced degree will definitely boost your earning potential and employability, and in some career paths, itСAPPs essential. DonСAPPt neglect the chance to build your profile, resume, and income potential. YouСAPPre up for it.

Myth #4: ItСAPPs too late to pursue graduate school.

Another common grad school myth: if youСAPPve waited a few years after undergrad, you missed your chance. Definitely not. In todayСAPPs changing higher ed world, СAPPnontraditionalСAPP will soon be an obsolete term, as students are studying more and more in part-time, online, or in hybrid approaches. Sure, you might take a bit more ramp-up time after a long hiatus, but itСAPPs not like youСAPPre moving back into the dorms. Ease into it and itСAPPll be worth it!

Myth #5: You can be full-time worker and full-time student.

Not so much. While some graduates degrees are actually specifically designed for working professionals (MBA, Accounting, Nursing), many are not. While you can probably hold down part-time work while studying, combining a full-time job and full load will put you a disadvantage on both fronts. So snag that coffee shop gig, or freelance on the side (or better yet, an assistantship or fellowship), but donСAPPt plan on working full-time.

There you have it---a five-on-five rundown of grad school truths versus myths. Now itСAPPs up to you to sort it out, and !



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