Exercise science major Julianne DeBlieux follows her passion for health

Written byElizabeth Rose-Arcuri

СAPPAs a student-athlete, I have been granted countless opportunities to learn how to better myself and those around me. From time management to being captain of my team, I have learned so many life skills that I will be able to take with me as I graduate and go into the real world.СAPP

Julianne DeBlieux
Houma, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Houma, where I was LHSAA All-Star soccer player.

Where I Am

IСAPPm a kinesiology major with a concentration in exercise science and a student-athlete for the Louisiana RaginСAPP Cajuns.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to graduate school to become a physical therapist.

As a lifelong athlete, Julianne has always been interested in health and wellness.

СAPPThroughout my athletic career I have been exposed to many facets of exercise science, and all the people I have encountered through sports over the years have cultivated a passion for individual health within me,СAPP she explained.

СAPPI chose to study exercise science because I want to share the passion I have for health and wellness with others in order to benefit their own lives.СAPP

JulianneСAPPs found that the School of Kinesiology, which oversees the kinesiology major and exercise science concentration, is a supportive environment where she can get individual attention from her professors.

СAPPProfessors are willing to help if you ask for it and overall want you to succeed,СAPP she said. СAPPThe majority of the classes are not very big. That allows for a better relationship with the professor, which I feel is incredibly beneficial to overall success in the course.СAPP

Outside of classes, Julianne has been captain of the , president of the , and member of and Kinesiology Professional Association. In 2020, she was selected for the Homecoming Court.

Being involved on campus has given Julianne opportunities to meet mentors, volunteer in the community, and take on leadership roles on campus and in the Sun Belt Conference.

СAPPAs a student-athlete, I have been granted countless opportunities to learn how to better myself and those around me," she said. "From time management to being captain of my team, I have learned so many life skills that I will be able to take with me as I graduate and go into the real world.СAPP

Balancing her classes and commitments to student organizations has helped Julianne learn more about herself and prepared her for her career as a physical therapist.

СAPPI have learned how to manage my time as well as how to cope with stress, anxiety, and failure, which I like to call learning experiences,СAPP she said. СAPPI have learned how to grow from mistakes and make the best out of every situation I encounter.

СAPPI have also learned how to be successful СAPP which I believe is just simply being a better version of who you were yesterday СAPP and how a good attitude and hard work can take you farther than any developed skill.СAPP


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