Life as a student-athlete: Meet baseball player Alex Hannie

Written byElizabeth Rose-Arcuri

СAPPMy favorite part about studying at UL Lafayette is the resources they provide you with to succeed. From the teachers, to the library staff, to career services СAPP everyone is looking to help you graduate and start a successful career with your degree.СAPP

Alex Hannie
Lafayette, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Lafayette, where I played baseball in high school.


Where I Am

IСAPPm an outfielder for the Louisiana RaginСAPP Cajuns baseball team and earning my degree in finance.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to explore careers in investment banking or personal wealth management after graduation.

Alex HannieСAPPs experiences on the Louisiana RaginСAPP Cajuns baseball team have helped him become a better player, a better student, and a better person.

СAPPIt has provided me with opportunities to become a better servant leader towards others,СAPP he said. СAPPI have also mastered time-management through my time as a student athlete.СAPP  

As a student-athlete, Alex balances his classes with baseball games and practices. HeСAPPs also a member of the , which has helped him be more organized and become a better communicator.  

With so many responsibilities, AlexСAPPs time management skills and the support he has on campus are essential.

СAPPMy favorite part about studying at UL Lafayette is the resources they provide you with to succeed,СAPP he said. СAPPFrom the teachers, to the library staff, to career services СAPP everyone is looking to help you graduate and start a successful career with your degree.СAPP

Planning for the future

Alex is a finance major with plans to pursue a career in personal wealth management or investment banking.

СAPPI chose to study finance because I believe I can help people live more stress-free, knowing their finances are in order,СAPP he said. СAPPThis career path will allow me to guide people in making educated decisions with their money that will benefit them and their families.СAPP

Using the same tools as investment professionals

The finance program at UL Lafayette is giving Alex hands-on opportunities to learn more about wealth management and investing through the state-of-the-art Maraist Financial Services Lab. His junior year, he took full advantage of the lab in FNAN 485: Student-Managed Investment Portfolio with Dr. Praveen Das.

СAPPItСAPPs such a unique class because, for the most part, it is run by the students,СAPP Alex said. СAPPWe follow and research specific stocks and present our findings to the (UL Lafayette Foundation) board at the end of the semester. I enjoyed this class because it gives students a real-world idea of what itСAPPs like to work in the financial services industry.

СAPPThe Maraist Financial Services Lab is an extremely useful tool in teaching students the core concepts of finance,СAPP he continued. СAPPAlso, the labСAPPs Bloomberg terminals allow us to get accurate, real-time information on the US and world economies. The study lounges and entrepreneurial think tank are nice places for us students to work and discuss our finance classes.СAPP

Alex is also getting valuable experience in INFX 205: Information Technology and Data Applications.

СAPPIt teaches you how to operate information and data applications that are used every day in the workplace,СAPP he said. СAPPMany employers require you to know and use these programs, so it was great to get a head start on learning them.СAPP

Life after graduation

Louisiana Ragin' Cajun student-athlete Alex Hannie on the baseball diamond at UL Lafayette

With his experiences on and off the baseball diamond, Alex is confident that heСAPPs ready for life after graduation.

"An important skill that IСAPPve learned through my time here is critical thinking. I have learned how to evaluate a problem and devise various solutions to solve it accordingly.СAPP

СAPPBy taking and implementing the skills learned here at UL Lafayette, I will be better prepared for my career ahead.СAPP

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