Meet Hadley Swier, industrial design major

Written byAmanda Burleigh

СAPPI chose industrial design as my major because I am equally mathematical and artistic. It's to think about having a future where I can create useful art that solves problems for people. There are endless paths I can take with an industrial design degree.СAPP

Hadley Swier
Industrial Design
Phoenix, Ariz.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Phoenix, Ariz., and I wanted to find a major that combined my mathematical and artistic skills.

Where I Am

I am embracing my UL Lafayette community and bringing my skills and abilities to new heights.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to create useful art that solves problems for people.

Hadley Swier is an industrial design major from Phoenix, Ariz., who is minoring in business. She wanted to learn in a quality program that still offered a personal teaching approach.

She found that opportunity at UL Lafayette.

СAPPThe friendly and welcoming environment at UL Lafayette became one of the deciding factors in choosing to study here,СAPP she said.

Hadley selected industrial design as her major because it utilized her strengths.

СAPPI chose industrial design as my major because I am equally mathematical and artistic. It's to think about having a future where I can create useful art that solves problems for people," she said. "There are endless paths I can take with an industrial design degree.СAPP

HadleyСAPPs favorite major-specific class was taught by Sarah Young during her first semester as a freshman.  

СAPPI was able to work at my own pace and as in-depth as I would want to,СAPP she said. СAPPIt excited me to be able to create intricate and beautiful things in this way. It was also the first step towards learning skills I knew were going to be essential to my career.СAPP

Hadley has also gotten involved with , a Christian student organization.

СAPPThis organization has allowed me to grow in community and my beliefs,СAPP she said. СAPPI feel as though they have become the family by my side.СAPP

Hadley said her favorite part about UL Lafayette is how friendly everyone is.

СAPPThe culture here is not something I am used to, and it really made me feel at home,СAPP she said. СAPPI also love that UL Lafayette still has a small school feel to it and that I do not feel overwhelmed by the number of people.СAPP

Hadley has also enjoyed her program and her ability to learn and grow her skills.

СAPPMy favorite part about my program is having the freedom to work at my own pace, to the extent of my skill level,СAPP she said. СAPPEven if I already know how to do something, there is always an opportunity to learn and grow. It has allowed me to reach new heights with my abilities.СAPP


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