Prepare for Your Semester with this Online 'School Supply' List

You may not need a backpack to haul supplies to and from campus or 15 shades of highlighters, but if youСAPPre going to learn online, there are some basic tech СAPPsuppliesСAPP that come with the territory.

DonСAPPt worry. You donСAPPt need elite equipment or skills. Here are the basics:

1. Reliable internet

UL Lafayette Online Programs recommend using a wired internet connection, over wireless.

The last thing you want when youСAPPre in the middle of a Moodle quiz or proctored exam is to lose your internet connection and your progress along with it.

We recommend a wired connection instead of relying on Wifi, which can be erratic. 

Your internet download and upload speed should be 2 Mbps or higher. You can test your speed using the free tool at .

2. A properly configured computer

Using your smartphone or tablet to check your grades or post to discussion forums is fine, but not so good for submitting documents, writing long essays, or taking quizzes, and won't work at all for taking proctored exams.

For that reason, youСAPPll still need a laptop or desktop with a browser, operating system, and hardware capacity thatСAPPs up to standard for your course needs.

Web browser: To use the СAPPСAPPs learning management system, Moodle, your best bet is to download . Help Desk offers a to ensure your settings are up to par.
Operating system: Recommendations are Windows Vista or better for PC users and MacOSx 10.5 or better for Mac users. To check your operating system, PC users should type: "about your PC" in their computer's search bar, and Mac users should click on the apple icon and choose "About this Mac.СAPP
Hardware: RAM should be 1GB or higher. Find your machineСAPPs specifications in the same location as operating system information.

3. Webcam, microphone, and speakers

You probably won't need an external webcam, but check your course syllabus or introduction for tech requirements.

Check your course syllabus or introduction to see what level of audio-video equipment youСAPPll need; in some cases, a smartphone will be sufficient.


In any case, test your camera, microphone, and speakers to make sure theyСAPPre in working order before you begin your coursework. If you need to replace any one of these, you could fall behind as a result.

Either make a quick video call to a friend or family member, or use this.

4. A backup plan

Chaos is only a spilled latte away.

Plan on a secondary location to pick up your studies if something happens to your equipment or Internet connection. Work through the same steps above at the secondary site before you need to use it.

As a UL Lafayette student, you have access to additional technology resources, including free and . For more information and help along the way, review our full rundown of tech support services.

But if you still want the highlighter megapack, we say go for it.

Learn more about the online programs UL Lafayette offers and how they can help you advance your education and your career.

About this Author
Hope has worked with online students for more than five years, telling their stories and sharing tips for succeeding as an online student.

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While online learning programs provide students with flexibility and convenience, they can also be more challenging than traditional in-person courses. It takes a great deal of self-discipline and sustained motivation to earn an online degree or graduate certificate.

Hope Aucoin is pictured outside in a white collared shirt with black spots.