Grad Adapts to Earn her Degree Online

Written byHope Aucoin

Heidi Viator completed her bachelorСAPPs degree in May 2020. Already sheСAPPs demonstrated the qualities of a business leader СAPP adaptability, time management, and determination. 

Viator was pursuing her degree in Thibodaux when she found out she was pregnant. To move forward, she needed to adapt. She moved back to her hometown of New Iberia and started looking for an online degree program to stay on track. Heidi Viator earned her bachelor's in business online at UL Lafayette.

She found the СAPPСAPPs online bachelorСAPPs in management offered through the B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration. The accredited online degree program allowed her to transfer her college credit and continue using her Pell grants.

СAPPI really, really liked it,СAPP she says. СAPPIt wasnСAPPt difficult to find everything I needed. If I did have questions, I was able to find the answers on the website or ask my teachers. The whole program was very organized.СAPP

Viator needed nine courses to complete her bachelorСAPPs degree in management. She finished her degree in two semesters, welcoming her son during her first semester with UL Lafayette. 

Because the program offers accelerated, 8-week courses Viator was able to focus on two or three courses per term while taking a full-time course load each semester. 

She says sheСAPPd taken some online courses before enrolling in the fully online degree program so she had an idea of what to expect and how to prepare. 

СAPPThe transition was pretty easy for me,СAPP she says. СAPPI like that I can do online courses at my own pace and get everything done without going to campus.СAPP

As with all online programs, completing coursework required time management and СAPP with a newborn СAPP a good deal of family support. 

Viator says sheСAPPs good at organizing her time and tasks. Because her online courses allowed her to see her assignments and due dates for the full semester, she was able to look ahead and plan. 

"I knew what I had to do; I knew what coursework was due when,СAPP she says. СAPPAfter the first assignment I was able to determine how much time IСAPPd need for others going forward and plan.СAPP 

UL LafayetteСAPPs Enrollment Support Team and Academic Success Center recommend several strategies for managing online coursework, including block scheduling, using the Pomodoro technique, and creating a support network. 

Viator says her strategy was to set aside time to exclusively work on her courses. 

СAPPI did a lot of block work. I would schedule classwork in five-hour spans to get it done during those times,СAPP Viator says. СAPPIt was hard, but I had a lot of family that helped out. When (my son) was sleeping, IСAPPd do homework, or IСAPPd have someone watch him while he was awake.СAPP

As a recent graduate, Viator is on the hunt for a role that matches her skills and will allow her to grow to a management position. She says sheСAPPs drawn heavily from the lessons learned in Dr. Valerie McGehee's professional writing course as she navigates the job market.

СAPPEverything in that class was applicable and helpful СAPP writing emails, building a resume, writing a cover letter,СAPP she says. СAPPAs IСAPPm trying to find a job, having that knowledge has been helpful.СAPP

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