Grad Finds СAPPFitСAPP through Health Promotion and Wellness

Faith Boudreaux knows herself very well. When the 22-year-old from Erath graduated from high school, she had some clear objectives. 

Faith Boudreaux graduates Spring 2021 in Health Promotion and Wellness.

She knew she wanted to study at the СAPP. Her dad had attended the СAPP and she grew up wearing RaginСAPP Cajun red and driving into Lafayette for football games. 

СAPPUL LafayetteСAPPs always been like our college in my family, so I never had to guess where I might go, I always knew it would be UL Lafayette,СAPP she says.

She also knew she wanted to major in kinesiology and work with athletes. 

However, to achieve her goals and ultimately thrive, Boudreaux would have to adapt to a few changes in her plans.

Early on, Boudreaux realized the kinesiology concentrations that lined up with her interests required a lot of biology classes and she could tell that subject might derail her entirely.

СAPPI started in Pre-Professional Studies to be a physical therapist, but I knew biology was just not for me at all,СAPP she says.

Boudreaux briefly changed her major to Child and Family Studies to pursue being a health coach but that wasnСAPPt the right fit either. Kinesiology still beckoned to her, so she visited the СAPPСAPPs website and looked at every concentration offered under the School of Kinesiology. 

As she sifted through the program options, one by one, she could instantly tell which ones were not going to work for her, until she found the Health Promotion and Wellness online program

СAPPI looked at the course requirements and the instructors, and in my head, I was like, СAPPYes, thatСAPPs the one. Go do it.СAPP And I absolutely love it,СAPP she says.

Finding her place

The smooth transition to online learning surprised Boudreaux. Originally, she had been set on studying in-person. 

СAPPI wanted to be on campus; I wanted that full experience,СAPP she says. СAPPBut once I started, I realized how much I love online learning.СAPP

At the start of each semester, Boudreaux would download the new syllabuses and map out readings, projects and due dates in her planner, so she never lost track of responsibilities. 

She became known for her organizational skills and time management so much that when the pandemic moved in-person classes to virtual classrooms, BoudreauxСAPPs friends reached out to her for guidance on the adjustment.

СAPPSome of my friends on campus asked me СAPPHow do you make this work?СAPP and I said, СAPPBuy a planner. I will write it all out and show you how to color code it, then you can do the rest,СAPPСAPP she says.

Boudreaux found it much easier to speak with instructors online than it had been navigating office hours in person.

СAPPI feel like the professors working with online students have good time management with us and with answering emails. I felt like whatever I needed, whatever it took, they would help me figure it out,СAPP she says.

Room to grow

The flexibility and independence of online learning meant Faith was able to take on three internships during her senior year: Girl Scouts of Louisiana, Louisiana Public Health Institute's Tobacco-Free Living campaign, and Louisiana RaginСAPP Cajuns athletic department.

СAPPBecause of the freedom I had not being in the classroom, IСAPPm able to expand my skills and work in other areas,СAPP she says.

Boudreaux found working in nonprofit organizations particularly illuminating.

СAPPIСAPPve been able to learn marketing skills, people skills, networking, and collaboration,СAPP she says, СAPPItСAPPs all going to be so useful in sports, since everything revolves around making those genuine connections with people.СAPP

Next up for Faith is graduate school. SheСAPPs been accepted to a Sport Hospitality Management program, which will also be online. 


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