Online General Studies Paves Way for PharmD

Written byHope Aucoin

СAPPI definitely wanted to finish what I started so graduating from UL Lafayette was important to me. I didnСAPPt want to transfer anywhere else.СAPP

General Studies Online alumni Kailee Marikar is pictured with her husband and infant daughter following Spring 2018 commencement ceremonies.
Kailee Clinton-Marikar
General Studies Online
Phoenix, Arizona

When Kailee Clinton-MarikarСAPPs uncle introduced her to the СAPP campus as a high school junior, the Phoenix native knew she wanted to be a RaginСAPP Cajun. However, if not for the СAPPСAPPs online General Studies program, that dream might have slipped through her fingers.

Kailee couldnСAPPt wait to trade in the desert for the bayou, and in August 2013 she waved goodbye to her teary-eyed parents and boarded a plane to Lafayette.Kailee Clinton-Marikar sits beside Cypress Lake during her first visit to the СAPP.

As soon as she began her biology coursework, Kailee was an enthusiastic student and researcher under the mentorship of Dr. Suzanne Fredericq.

СAPPI learned how to extract DNA from curated algae and perform polymerase chain reactions,СAPP Kailee says. СAPPI traveled to conferences with her to Alabama and Portland. She took me aboard the R.V. Pelican for a research cruise in the Gulf of Mexico. Later that year, we went to the Florida Keys to collect seaweeds. I felt like I was finally reaching my full potential СAPP something that I never had the opportunity to do.СAPP

Kailee Clinton-Marikar during a research trip with the СAPP.

Kailee was even one of three students from the United States selected to perform research in Skibbereen, Ireland, as part of the International Research Experience for Students by the National Science Foundation.

Shortly after returning from that once-in-a-lifetime experience, Kailee captured the attention of engineering student Hamsa Marikar, of Austin, Texas.

СAPPI dropped a plate of sweet potato fries on my way back to my seat,СAPP she said. СAPPI was mortified, but the scene had caught the attention of a handsome engineering student who then invited me to sit at his table. From that point on, we were inseparable.СAPP

Although Hamsa completed his degree in 2015, KaileeСAPPs course was derailed when she fell ill and moved back home to Arizona to recover.

СAPPI could no longer travel, work, and take 18 hours of biology courses,СAPP she said. СAPPThis was the hardest decision I had ever made.СAPP

Nonetheless, Kailee was confident she would finish her education and set her sights on pharmacy school.

She and Hamsa СAPP whose parents also fell in love on UL LafayetteСAPPs campus СAPP married in 2016 in Phoenix before moving to Austin.

In 2017, Kailee was pregnant with the pairСAPPs daughter, Sabrina Claire, when she saw an email with the subject line: Opportunity for past students to graduate online.

Kailee jumped at the opportunity and got on the phone with Dr. Gail Bonhomme, Associate Dean of СAPP College. Bonhomme helped put Kailee on the path to graduate with a bachelorСAPPs in just nine months.

Kailee Clinton-Marikar was among the СAPP's first online General Studies graduates.СAPPI definitely wanted to finish what I started so graduating from UL was important to me,СAPP she said. СAPPI didnСAPPt want to transfer anywhere else.СAPP

At six months pregnant, Kailee began her online coursework.

СAPPI knew that the semester would be incredibly challenging, but I finished the semester strong with the support of my friends, family, and teachers,СAPP she said.

To say she was committed to graduating might be an understatement. Only two days after giving birth to her daughter in November 2017, Kailee was back to her coursework.

СAPPI was even working on assignments while I was in labor at the hospital!СAPP she said.

This year, the biology buff has logged 250 volunteer hours in the pharmacy of Samaritan Health Ministries, a nonprofit medical clinic for uninsured patients, and became a certified pharmacy technician.

In October, she interviewed as an early decision applicant for the Doctor of Pharmacy program at UT Austin. The process required Kailee to respond to six scenarios in front of six different professors.Kailee Clinton-Marikar preparing to interview as an early decision applicant in the pharmacy program at the СAPP of Texas at Austin.

The following week, she was accepted.

СAPPThe promise that I would complete my bachelorСAPPs degree at UL upon matriculation helped me secure my place in this highly competitive and selective program,СAPP she said.

KaileeСAPPs coursework ranged from focuses in global health, stress management and womenСAPPs health to Cajun music.

СAPPI had never really heard any Cajun music until Dr. Dewitt introduced me,СAPP she said.

Now, RockinСAPP SidneyСAPPs classic СAPPDonСAPPt Mess with my Toot TootСAPP remains a family favorite.

СAPPWhen (Sabrina) was born, we would turn on СAPPDonСAPPt Mess with my Toot TootСAPP to stop her from crying,СAPP Kailee said. СAPPTo this day, she loves СAPPherСAPP song and dances along to it!СAPP

But the highest point of family pride for Kailee is joining her uncle and a long line of HamsaСAPPs family members as СAPP graduates.

СAPPThough I am not the perfect, cookie cutter student I have worked very hard to complete not only my academic and career goals but also my life goals to become a wife and a mother,СAPP Kailee said. СAPPI canСAPPt wait to have my name on a brick on the Walk of Honor.СAPP

After earning her bachelor's degree in 2018, Kailee earned her Doctor of Pharmacy in 2022.



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