Online M.Ed. offers Rigorous, Relevant Curriculum

Written byHope Aucoin

Jenna Pryor takes an all-in approach to the classroom СAPP as a teacher and a student. Performing those roles simultaneously was a challenge during the last two years as Pryor began her teaching career and her Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Instructional Specialist concentration, online at the СAPP. 

As she completes her graduate studies this summer, Pryor says sheСAPPs looking forward to doing one thing and doing it well through the perspective and tools gained through her masterСAPPs degree. 

Driven to Learn 

Pryor, of Central, says she always knew graduate school would be in her plans. Jenna Pryor in UL Lafayette black graduation gown in front of photo backdrop of shelved books.

СAPPI just really like being a student,СAPP she says. СAPPI love the environment and learning more, so I always knew I wanted to pursue a master's degree.СAPP 

She completed her undergraduate degree in 2019 and decided to make use of her remaining scholarships by applying them to her Master of Education. As she explored masterСAPPs degree programs in Louisiana, UL Lafayette stood out.

СAPPIt was an online program, and that meant that I could do it alongside teaching,СAPP she says. СAPPIt also offered a lot of different course types than anything that I had taken in my undergrad.СAPP

But Pryor wasnСAPPt just teaching. 

СAPPI just really love teaching, and I love school so much that I got very involved,СAPP she says. СAPPI had to go to all of the sporting events and help out with all of the clubs, and so I really just threw myself into that and so it did put a lot on my plate.СAPP

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, it initially forced Pryor to take a pause and focus on her coursework before she faced an entirely new challenge. 

СAPPWe had to figure out what teaching in the pandemic would look like,СAPP she says. СAPPThis whole year of teaching was just reworking everything that you've learned about your profession, having to reconfigure that and figure it out in a brand-new way. It was definitely a lot.СAPP

Growing through Graduate School

Pryor braced herself entering her online graduate program in August 2019. How would the expectations shift from undergrad? What would the online experience look like?

What she found was a rigorous, relevant curriculum and personable professors. 

"My professors were all incredible communicators and as we started classes, they just made everything very clear,СAPP she says. СAPPI think that UL LafayetteСAPPs Moodle system is very user friendly, and my professors were great at using that to make the transition as easy as possible.СAPP

She says professors remained responsive through her time at UL Lafayette. 

СAPPSomething that stood out to me about the professors I worked with directly was how quickly they gave you feedback, or if I wasn't really comfortable with something and needed guidance, they were so quick to get back to me,СAPP Pryor says. 

Even as her teaching delivery has changed, Pryor says sheСAPPs consistently applying what sheСAPPs learned in her graduate program. 

СAPPI feel like there's not a day that I walk into my classroom that I'm not impacted by something that I was learning about within my courses, whether that was a course I've previously taken in a different semester or currently,СAPP Pryor says. "I can't approach my students without being drawn back to something I've learned or an experience I've had in my graduate program.СAPP

Courses like Diversity for the Progressive Educator, she says, were timely and impactful.

СAPPIt was the summer 2020 semester, and our country was experiencing a lot of turmoil,СAPP she says. СAPPThe course texts really put into perspective the student experience and what my students are experiencing daily. 

СAPPThroughout the semester, I was considering how they were being impacted by the pandemic and the current context in America. It just really showed me a lot about my students and different ways that I can approach them and understand what they walk into my classroom with, and really checking my perspective on how I view them and how I view our classroom environment."

Becoming a RaginСAPP Cajun

With commencement in her sights, Pryor has a lot to celebrate СAPP her 24th birthday, the start of her third year teaching, receiving her masterСAPPs degree, and a new community to call home.

СAPPI've just fallen in love with my experience with UL Lafayette," she says. СAPPEven though IСAPPm in an online program, I just have really felt a part of the community, and I think that that says a lot about the professors, the СAPP and the staff who work across, even outside, of the graduate school."

The full-time English teacher is also looking forward to redoubling her focus on her students as she takes a break from her own academics. 

СAPPThis will be the first time I can walk into my classroom with my students being my sole focus. I've always had my priorities split between my own school experience in graduate school and them," she says. СAPPNow I just get to be a teacher and really throw myself into that to take what I've learned these past two years and start to really apply that.СAPP

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