Online Program Helps Grad Jumpstart Health Career

Written byHope Aucoin

At 24, Amanda Terry is advancing in her field, her company, and her education СAPP building on the momentum that began with a decision to pursue an online bachelorСAPPs degree.

Terry was born and raised in Lafayette and enrolled at the СAPPСAPPs nursing program because she wanted to, СAPPhelp people and work in the health field.СAPP

But when she began her clinicals, she felt her future might lie in hospital operations, instead of hands-on patient care.Amanda Terry, UL Lafayette Online Program Graduate

СAPPI thought I could still help people but on the business side of the hospital,СAPP she says. 

As she began exploring her options, she found UL LafayetteСAPPs online Health Services Administration program, also within the College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Terry spoke with an advisor about the program, who helped her identify how her coursework would proceed and what her career might look like.

The program uses an interdisciplinary approach to train students to meet the changing healthcare industry through administrative and operational roles. It also serves as preparation for entry into master's degree programs.

СAPPIt was one of the best decisions I had made,СAPP she says, СAPPTo have a great blend of health care and business helped to make me a well-rounded professional. I didnСAPPt realize the vast amount of opportunities out there for someone with that degree, especially at a company like Schumacher.СAPP

Learning online allowed Terry to begin working part-time and as an intern with Schumacher Clinical Partners during her senior year. Upon graduation, the company offered her a full-time position.

Terry was able to leverage that experience into a new position with the company and is now a managed care contract associate.

СAPPIСAPPm leaps and bounds doing greater things than I thought,СAPP Terry says. СAPPI was able to get my foot in the door sooner than later because of the opportunity to be online.СAPP

In her current role, Terry is responsible for negotiating contracts between health providers and health insurance plans, analyzing and weighing an array of factors from state and federal regulations to regional socio-economic demographics.

Being able to enter that role with a solid understanding of the American Disabilities Act, how insurance and reimbursement works, and an overall familiarity with industry terminology was vital, says Terry.

Learning online also gave Terry the opportunity to develop and strengthen organizational skills sheСAPPs been able to take into the workplace, as well as her everyday life.

СAPPThere was some apprehension about the online aspect. ThereСAPPs kind of a stigma around online classes,СAPP she says. СAPPBut, honestly, theyСAPPre a little more difficult than lecture classes in terms of the time management and self-motivation that you have to teach yourself. ThatСAPPs something IСAPPm very glad I learned through the HSA program.

СAPPIt definitely helped in all aspects of my life, learning how to stay organized and manage my time properly and how to get things done in a timely manner. It was good practice for navigating the corporate world.СAPP

Despite the remote nature of her courses, Terry formed bonds with her peers as well as professors.

СAPPThe number one thing that saved me was making friends with other people in the program who were on the same track as me,СAPP she says.

СAPPSome of those girls lived in Lafayette so we had study groups together and bounced things off each other. It really helped to have that support group.СAPP

Terry has maintained a relationship with Dr. Rachel Ellison, Health Services Administration Program director, who she says was helpful both during and after the program and even recently wrote a letter of recommendation for Terry.

The experience of earning an undergraduate degree online gave Terry the confidence to pursue her MBA online, as well.

СAPPI didnСAPPt have the adjustment period when I started my MBA because I already got the hang of it through the HSA program,СAPP she says. СAPPI already knew what I needed to do, the best way that I learn, and how to balance everything.

СAPPSince I was already working at Schumacher, having the online MBA program available was great because I didnСAPPt want to have to quit my job, and this gave me the opportunity to do both.СAPP

SheСAPPs set to graduate in May with a concentration in sales leadership from UL LafayetteСAPPs online MBA program, which she said will add even more tools to her toolbox when coupled with her ever-growing health care knowledge.

Request information today to take the first step toward earning you bachelor's or master's degree online.