СAPPPositivity is KeyСAPP: Cafe manager earns her degree online, fulfills a promise to her dad

Amy Hinton was barely in her mid-20s and working full-time when her ailing father insisted that she make him a promise.

СAPPWhen my dad was in hospice, he said, СAPPYouСAPPve got to promise me youСAPPll go get your degree,СAPP and I was like, СAPPI donСAPPt have support, and I donСAPPt have time for that,СAPPСAPP Hinton recalls, СAPPbut I said, СAPPOkay, I promise. ItСAPPll just take a minute.СAPPСAPP

Hinton and her dad had that conversation in 2016 and from that point on it was not a question of СAPPIf?СAPP she would go back to school, but of СAPPWhen?СAPP and СAPPHow?СAPP 

Amy Hinton earned her BSBA in Management online from the СAPPThis Spring, Hinton earned her BSBA in Management online from the СAPP.

HintonСAPPs accomplishment means she fulfilled the promise to her father, and she is the first generation in her family to earn a college degree.  

Some days were harder than others, but Hinton had encouragement along the way.

СAPPMy partner was always there for me, and my sister and aunt never let me forget how proud my dad would have been,СAPP Hinton says.

Right place, wrong time

Hinton began at the СAPP after high school and was studying to become a math teacher. Her parents were cheering her on from Alexandria, Louisiana.  

СAPPThey always pushed me to pursue education and supported me as much as they could,СAPP she says. 

About half-way to her degree, a combination of obstacles piled up on Hinton rapidly.  

She lost her job, her 3-year relationship ended, and her parents announced plans to divorce; burnt out and overwhelmed, Hinton withdrew from classes and went to work full-time.

СAPPIt was so much, and I felt like, СAPPI donСAPPt want to do school right now,СAPPСAPP she says.

For most of a decade, Hinton has worked full-time at la Madeliene French Bakery and Café; she has served as general manager for two years now.

She knew she could not stop working to attend school full-time, but she was not confident that the national, for-profit online options would fit her goals. 

СAPPWhen UL Lafayette started offering online classes, I was like, well, thatСAPPs a perfect opportunity! I had already been at UL Lafayette, I felt like, СAPPOkay, itСAPPs credible, itСAPPs the same degree, just online.СAPP

Enrolled and on a roll

When sheСAPPd gotten the ball rolling, Hinton decided the B.S.B.A. in Management online program fit her best since she was already in a managerial role at the café. 

СAPPIt was going back to school but in a different way,СAPP she says. СAPPIt was a lot of time management, but my first semester back I made straight A's.СAPP

Balancing classes against her demanding 50-hour work week wasnСAPPt a breeze, but Hinton was able to find her rhythm and make it work.

СAPPIСAPPm a procrastinator by nature, but I would just crunch as much as I could into [my] two days off and then if I still needed more time, I would do some after work,СAPP she says.

Before returning to the СAPP, Hinton had not taken any asynchronous online courses. She soon discovered that online course delivery gave her the autonomy and the flexibility to prioritize her studies to fit her learning style.

СAPPWith online classes, if I get it, I can go through it faster. And if I do not get it, I can take more time and figure it out, you know? So, working at my own pace helped with not getting too bored or not getting too behind.СAPP

Using her degree at work

Human Resources proved HintonСAPPs favorite class. Now she better understands what she enjoys about working with people, solving problems, and figuring out how to motivate a team to succeed. 

She implemented a nomination-based employee of the month program at her café and is pleased with the results so far. 

СAPPIt helps the associates see that they are valued by the people they work with daily. IСAPPve seen a lot of improvement in collaboration and overall, more positive atmosphere. Positivity is key!СAPP says Hinton. 

While Hinton ponders her goals and graduate school, she is proud of herself and pleased with the value her lessons have brought to her performance at work already. 

СAPPIt made me feel more comfortable in what I was already doing. Being comfortable in your job is so important for advancement, so yeah, it definitely helped a lot,СAPP she says.

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