Dianne Olivier

Associate Dean of Administration and Academic Affairs Dianne Olivier
  • Faculty
  • Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Faculty Affairs
  • Professor of Educational Foundations and Leadership


Dianne F. Olivier, Ph. D., Professor in Educational Foundations and Leadership, serves as the Associate Dean of Administration and Academic Affairs, College of Education, Сòòò½APP. As Associate Dean, she collaborates with faculty from all COE Departments/Schools regarding strategic planning, curriculum development and program improvement, and faculty professionalism including tenure, promotion, graduate faculty status, recognition, and scholarship/awards. Dianne is recognized as a Univesity Eminent Scholar and was awarded the Dr. Ray P. Authement Excellence in Teaching Award resulting in the honor of serving as the Summer 2020 Commencement Speaker. She holds the Joan D. & Alexander S. Haig/BORSF Endowed Professorship in Education III. Additionally, she has received numerous awards for research excellence and outstanding doctoral student mentor. Her ongoing recognition as an outstanding doctoral student mentor is based on her guidance as Doctoral Chair to nearly 70 doctoral graduates. She has served on various Сòòò½APP committees and chaired the Graduate Faculty Council, Сòòò½APP Committee on Graduate Student Success and Retention, Qualtrics Process Task Force, and Vice-Chair of the Innovation and Research Advisory Council. She continues to serve on Сòòò½APP committees and leads several COE committees. Dr. OlivierСòòò½APP™s primary research focuses on professional learning communities, educational leadership, change process, and school culture. Her research on PLCs has resulted in membership of a domestic research team, , studying learning community processes for almost 25 years. Her research resulted in an invitation to serve on an international PLC research team, PLC Global Network, examining educational professional learning, leadership, and change processes in K-12 and higher education institutions from a global perspective. Her international research efforts include travels to collaborate with researchers at Trinity College Dublin, Beijing Normal Сòòò½APP, Nanyang Technological Сòòò½APP Singapore, Canberra Сòòò½APP Australia, The Chinese Сòòò½APP of Hong Kong, and Windsor Сòòò½APP Canada. DianneСòòò½APP™s most noted global research involves her research as the first author of a professional learning community assessment (PLCA-R) that has been translated into 12 languages and is routinely incorporated into international research. DianneСòòò½APP™s leadership expertise has been recognized by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) as a Master Trainer in Coaching in which she has led leadership professional development throughout the U.S. Prior to joining the UL Lafayette faculty in 2007, Dianne served in public education as a teacher and administrator with district-level leadership for 26 of her 34 years in K-12 education. Dianne holds degrees from UL Lafayette (USL) including Bachelor of Science, Master of Education, Masters+30 in Guidance and Counseling, and Educational Specialist in Administration and her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Louisiana State Сòòò½APP.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Administration (Psychology, Minor), 2001
Louisiana State Сòòò½APP

Educational Specialist (Ed S), Administration and Supervision (Psychology Minor), 1980
Сòòò½APP of Southwestern Louisiana

Masters +30, Guidance and Counseling, 1978
Сòòò½APP of Southwestern Louisiana

Masters of Education, Secondary Education, 1975
Сòòò½APP of Southwestern Louisiana

Bachelor of Science, Education, 1972
Сòòò½APP of Southwestern Louisiana

Student Research/Collaboration

  • Professional Learning Communities
  • Educational Leadership
  • Organizational Culture and Climate
  • Organizational Change
  • Collective Efficacy

Opportunities for Student Research/Collaboration:

Dr. Olivier works collaboratively with doctoral students in the Educational Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership. As doctoral chair, she guides doctoral students through their dissertation and research journey. This collaborative practice results in opportunities for research during and after the dissertation process including co-presenting at professional conferences, submission of journal articles, and other professional development activities. Additionally, she encourages the development of undergraduate research opportunities across the College.


  • Mayeaux, A. S. & Olivier, D. F. (2020). Expertise in every classroom: Guidelines to bridging the research and practice. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.
  • Hagan, A. C., & Olivier, D. F. (2022, Spring/Summer). Women presidents of higher education institutions: A mixed-methods phenomenological study of the relationships between self-efficacy, transformational leadership, gender-based barriers, and support structures. Research Issues in Contemporary Education, Spring/Summer Vol. 7, Issue 3.
  • Chen, P., Wang, T., Olivier, D. F., Chiu, S-C. (2021, June). Developing a conceptual framework of readiness for change and its application in educational research. Educational Review, 56, 1-43.
  • Mayeaux, A. S., & Olivier, D. F. (2021). Professional kinship using social media tools: Bridging and bonding to develop teacher expertise. Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication. Communication Institute of Greece.
  • Rush, J. S. & Olivier, D. F. (2021). Committed and engaged: A mixed-method phenomenological study of the perceived roles, responsibilities, and contributions of professional support personnel in higher education. Research issues in Contemporary Education, Fall/Winter Vol. 6, n. 1
  • Lin, H-C, Zeanah, P. L., Olivier, D. F., Bergeron, M. A., & Liu, C. H. (2021). Responding to the pressing yet unrecognized needs of student-parents amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American College Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448471.2020.1870474
  • Wang, T., Olivier, D. F., & Chen. P. (2020). Creating individual and organizational readiness for change: Conceptualization of system readiness for change in school education. International Journal of Leadership in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2020.1818131
  • Perez, M. P. & Olivier, D. F. (2020, Summer). An examination of university sophomore studentsСòòò½APP™ thriving factors, second-year experiences, and student outcomes. Research Issues in Contemporary Education, Vol. 5, n1, pp. 1-24.


Awards & Recognition

  • Eminent Scholar Award-Dr. Ray P. Authement Excellence in Teaching Award 2020
  • Joan D. & Alexander S. Haig/BORSF Professorship in Education (2013-Present)
  • Research Excellence Award, College of Education (2019-2020; 2014-2016)
  • Outstanding Doctoral Student Mentor Award, College of Education (2019-2020; 2018-2019; 2014-2016; 2013-2014)
  • Сòòò½APP, Commencement Speaker-Summer 2020 Graduation
  • Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Board Member