A computer chip developed at the Сòòò½APP that can help detect seizures

Global Impact

Сòòò½APP researchers are finding answers to the worldСòòò½APP™s questions Сòòò½APP” from the sea floor to outer space.

Because we specialize in applied research that solves real-world problems, weСòòò½APP™re in a unique position to improve peopleСòòò½APP™s lives across the world. WeСòòò½APP™re driven to improve social and economic development, sustainability, and diversity and equity through our research.

And that research spans disciplines. We're aiding NASA with the Mars colony to explore safer and cleaner energy sources, improving the materials we use every day, and keeping people safe with big data analysis.

Explore our research initiatives and see how weСòòò½APP™re transforming the world.

UL Lafayette researcher and Louisiana student examining a solar panel for sustainable energy research

Sustainability & Energy Research

To make an impact on the world, we have to start at home. ThatСòòò½APP™s why we use our for sustainability and energy research. The Сòòò½APPСòòò½APP™s grounds and structures are where we study and implement sustainable practices in stormwater management, biodiversity, food and materials waste reduction, and recycling.

Researchers at are developing systems that can convert human waste into clean water and other usable byproducts. Their work is beneficial for heavily populated cities and countries around the world, but also on other planets Сòòò½APP” the group is using its discoveries to develop a biorefinery system that will supply water and oxygen for NASAСòòò½APP™s 2030 Mission to Mars.

UL Lafayette is leading the country in solar energy research. Our Photovoltaic Applied Research and Testing Laboratory has six acres of solar panels, and weСòòò½APP™re working to understand how the sun degrades the modules.

WeСòòò½APP™re one of only a few universities that can examine solar technology outside and in a controlled, laboratory space. Our findings will improve solar panel manufacturing as the world uses more and more renewable energy in the coming years.

Pharmaceutical research happening in Louisiana on UL Lafayette's campus

Life & Health Sciences Research

UL LafayetteСòòò½APP™s researchers are working across disciplines to develop new treatments and options. We are:

Our biological research doesnСòòò½APP™t stop with people. Our faculty are exploring biological diversity, ecology, and evolution. From mapping the ocean floor to studying capybaras in Colombia, our researchers are traveling the world to reveal more about it. And weСòòò½APP™re excited to share what weСòòò½APP™re learning Сòòò½APP” we recently donated the worldСòòò½APP™s largest collection of preserved crustaceans to the Smithsonian Institution for future research on marine systems.

Сòòò½APP of Louisiana researchers discussing big data used for public safety

Big Data Research

As more industries produce more data, our researchers are leading cybersecurity efforts in health data, renewable energy, and other forms of big data. Our Center for Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary group of researchers that is working to prepare the country for cyberattacks that impact our critical infrastructure, like ports, pipelines and power grids.

Our Center for Visualization and Decision Informatics uses big data and visualization technology to help industries explore all factors in their decision-making. ItСòòò½APP™s the only NSF Industry/Сòòò½APP Cooperative Research Center in the country doing this data visualization work, with partners including the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Capital One, and Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems.

Manufacturing research happening at the Сòòò½APP in a laboratory

Materials Research

Our work on improved materials spans health care, transportation, and environmental industries. The Institute for Materials Research and Innovation is home to interdisciplinary research in advanced and specialized metals, polymers, ceramics, and composite materials.

Those advanced materials are used in prosthetics and artificial hearts, infrastructure including roads and bridges, and pharmaceuticals.

Research happening in Louisiana's marshes and wetlands to improve coastal health

Coastal & Water Management Research

UL LafayetteСòòò½APP™s proximity to the Gulf Coast and the rapidly disappearing Louisiana coastline make research in coastal and water management a natural choice Сòòò½APP” but our findings can be applied to any coastal region in the world.

Researchers at the Institute for Coastal and Water Management are working along LouisianaСòòò½APP™s coast and marshes to reduce erosion and protect the ecosystem.

Researchers are monitoring our barrier islands and testing the effectiveness of different restoration efforts, along with studying how the degradation of saltmarsh ecosystems disrupts food webs. TheyСòòò½APP™re categorizing and modeling native species and how they respond to changes in the environment, along with the effects of oil spills on these ecosystems.


Partner with our Experts

A Сòòò½APP researcher analyzing data on a screen

Ready to Work Together

Businesses, industries, and governments partner with UL Lafayette researchers to find solutions to complex problems. Work with us to improve the world.

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