Arts or Music Education

СAPP music education major Katy Meaux sits in front of a piano in an on-campus performance hall

СAPPIСAPPm learning a lot. I already feel like IСAPPm more comfortable in the classroom, and IСAPPm finding my teaching style. IСAPPm very happy that I get full-year student-teaching experience СAPP you get to know the students better, and now they know me, they trust me. They understand that IСAPPm also learning, and they want to help me run the class as best I can.СAPP

Meet music education major Katy Meaux

You should major in arts or music education if: 

  • You love working with kids and expressing your artistic abilities.
  • The arts were an enormous part of your own education and your life.
  • You want to help students develop their own fine arts passions.

With a degree in arts or music education, you will be able to inspire students in fine arts classes from kindergarten to 12th grade. 

Expand your own artistic abilities and learn the theories behind excellent teaching. YouСAPPll create lesson plans and teach them in local classrooms and camps. 

All arts or music education majors choose a concentration, which will be your teaching specialty. Choose from our concentrations:

  • Art Education
  • Instrumental Music Education
  • Vocal Music Education

With this degree, youСAPPll meet the Louisiana Department of Education requirements for certification to teach kindergarten through 12th grade in your concentration area.

Arts or Music Education at UL Lafayette

What's Arts or Music Education Like?

  • Group work & collaboration
    Rated 2 out of 3
  • Writing
    Rated 1 out of 3
  • Student teaching & internships
    Rated 3 out of 3
  • Performing or exhibiting
    Rated 2 out of 3

for training teachers

UL Lafayette graduates the most certified teachers of any college or university in Louisiana.

Life as an Arts or Music Education Major