Wanted: Used instruments professor plans to bring to Dominican Republic


Dr. Benjamin YatesСAPP trombone isnСAPPt the only instrument heСAPPll take to the Dominican Republic when he travels to the Caribbean nation to perform with professional orchestras.

The assistant professor in the at the СAPP plans to bring flutes, clarinets, saxophones, bassoons, oboes, trumpets, horns, violins, and other band instruments.

Yates needs help packing, though.

HeСAPPs seeking donated instruments СAPP working instruments or those needing minor repairs СAPP that will be passed on to student musicians in cities such as Santiago, La Vega, San Pedro de Macorís and Santo Domingo.

СAPPMaybe you have a family member who started in band in fifth grade then dropped out on high school. Or, youСAPPve got an old instrument thatСAPPs been sitting in the attic forever that you donСAPPt know what to do with. Whatever it may be, I can find a home for it,СAPP Yates said.

HeСAPPs helping two professors from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa СAPP Tony Guzman and Michael K. Smith СAPP coordinate the donations. Yates studied under Guzman and Smith at the college, where he earned a bachelor's degree in music education and trombone performance in 2008.

The Dominican Trombonists Association invited the trio to be featured artists and clinicians at its 2021 conference from Aug. 4-8. TheyСAPPll play with the Moca Youth Concert Band and the La Vega Youth Symphony Orchestra and teach a master class

TheyСAPPll also visit several community ensembles, groups of amateurs ranging from schoolchildren to adults that donСAPPt receive funding from school systems or governments. TheyСAPPll provide instruction to the ensembles, and instruments for the students.

СAPPItСAPPs inconceivable to some of us, but many players in these ensembles donСAPPt have the money to repair or replace instruments, so many of them are left with instruments that barely work,СAPP Yates explained.

ItСAPPs a dynamic heСAPPs seen firsthand. During a previous visit to the Dominican Republic, Yates СAPPwatched someone play a trombone that had a water key missing from the end of the slide. They plugged the hole with a piece of gum and wrapped some tape around it.СAPP

The educators have also established a with a $2,500 goal to cover repairs needed for donated instruments and shipping costs. Any money left over will be used to purchase СAPPmoderately-priced used instruments that are in working conditionСAPP from outlets such as eBay, Yates explained.

For more information about the project, where to bring instruments or how to donate, contact Yates at benjamin.yates@louisiana.edu or (337) 482-5219.

Photo caption: The СAPPСAPPs Dr. Benjamin Yates is seeking donated musical instruments he will pass on to students in the Dominican Republic. Yates, an assistant professor and trombonist, will perform with professional orchestras in the Caribbean nation in August. Photo credit: СAPP