College Democrats host watch party for State of the Union address


Students, faculty advisors and several community members gathered to view  President Barack ObamaСAPPs televised State of the Union address during a watch party hosted by the UL College Democrats.


Many of the more than two dozen people who attended the event Tuesday night in Oliver Hall were students who are majoring in political science.

At the conclusion of ObamaСAPPs 70-minute address, they watched televised segments featuring reaction and responses from national leaders in the Republican Party. A group discussion then followed.
СAPPWe wanted to make sure that everyone got the full picture of what each party presented and what the presidentСAPPs plans were for this year,СAPP said Jolan Jolivette, a senior majoring in political science.

Dr. Pearson Cross, a political science professor and interim associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts, said the event provided a connection for students СAPPthat they wouldnСAPPt have had if they had sat at home and watched this by themselves.СAPP