Double exposure: Researcher twice listed among worldСAPPs most influential


A roster of the worldСAPPs most influential researchers includes a СAPP data scientist СAPP twice.

Of the 3,300 scholars included on Clarivate AnalyticsСAPP Highly Cited Researchers list, just 147, including Dr. Xindong Wu, appear in two categories. The director of the СAPPСAPPs School of Computing and Informatics is named in computer science and engineering.

Wu is an expert in data mining, a field of computer science that extracts useful information from data. Public and private entities confront huge amounts of data, and they utilize data mining to make sense of it and to inform decisions, Wu said.

СAPPData is reality. It is existence. Data is everywhere. Data mining tries to make good use of it.СAPP

Wu joined the UL Lafayette faculty in 2016 with a reputation as a trailblazer.  Although scientists, statisticians and engineers have used data in their work for centuries, data mining as a field didnСAPPt solidify until the mid-1990s.

Since 1993, Wu has published 450 peer-reviewed articles and conference papers in the fields of data mining, and artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering. Knowledge engineering is a field of artificial intelligence focused on the development of computer systems that simulate human thought and logic.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the worldСAPPs largest organization of technology professionals, honored his СAPPpioneering contributions to data mining and applicationsСAPP when it presented Wu with an achievement award in 2012. ItСAPPs among a host of similar recognitions heСAPPs received over the past quarter century.

His latest designation as a Highly Cited Researcher СAPPshows that what I am doing is generating some impact,СAPP Wu said.

СAPPA citation would mean that other researchers are looking at what I am doing. Citing my work would mean they have studied it. They are saying what I am doing is worth their attention.СAPP

Clarivate Analytics operates several subscription-based services focused on academic research. The company assembles the annual Highly Cited Researcher list based on citation statistics from its Web of Science database, which indexes how many times a scholarСAPPs work has been used by other researchers in their own.

The database indexes 169, or about a third, of WuСAPPs publications. 

But that fraction has been cited more than 5,460 times between 2005 and 2015, and ranks him among the top 1 percent of most-cited scholars in his fields during those 11 years, explained Christopher King, Clarivate AnalyticsСAPP editorial content manager.

СAPPSuch consistent production of highly cited reports indicates that the work of these researchers has been repeatedly judged by their peers to be of notable significance and utility,СAPP King said in a company press release.

The roster categorizes scholars in 21 science and social science fields, but doesnСAPPt rank them by number of publications or how many times theyСAPPve been cited. 

Wu is among 151 researchers in the computer science category, and 175 in engineering.

That puts him among scholars from powerhouses in both fields СAPP the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the National СAPP of Singapore, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and Tsinghua СAPP in China.

СAPPWho else is on the list is an indication of the caliber scholar Dr. Wu is,СAPP said Dr. Ramesh Kolluru, UL LafayetteСAPPs vice president for Research, Innovation and Economic Development. СAPPThe fact that one of our faculty members is on this objective list of global researchers is a matter of great pride and honor for the СAPP.

СAPPHe is a superstar in the area of data science.СAPP

Caption: Dr. Xindong Wu, director of UL LafayetteСAPPs School of Computing and Informatics and an expert in data mining, meets with graduate students recently in Oliver Hall. [Credit: Doug Dugas / СAPP]