Geaux (to Baton Rouge) Cajuns: Turn State Capitol red for UL System Day


The СAPP wants RaginСAPP Cajuns to turn out for UL System Day in a big way СAPP and is providing free transportation to and from the State Capitol to ensure it.

The annual gathering of the systemСAPPs nine member institutions will be held from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday on the lawn of LouisianaСAPPs skyscraper capitol. The day showcases academic programs from each university, and includes musical and dance performances, and a spirit competition.

Jennifer LeMeunier, executive director of the UL Lafayette Alumni Association, noted that the СAPP is the systemСAPPs largest institution. Its fall enrollment was more than 19,000 students.

СAPPULS Day spotlights our system for legislators and other elected leaders and reminds them of the vital work our universities do. ItСAPPs also a fantastic way for individual universities to brag a little about what sets them apart,СAPP she said.

СAPPThereСAPPs no doubt that the people and programs at UL Lafayette make it a distinctive place. I want to encourage every member of the RaginСAPP Cajuns family СAPP employees, students, alumni and supporters alike СAPP to join us in Baton Rouge on Wednesday.СAPP

UL Lafayette hopes to bring about 200 Ragin' Cajuns to the event. Buses will leave campus at 8:30 a.m. and return by 4:30 p.m. Participants should register at and indicate whether theyСAPPd like to reserve a bus seat.

People traveling to Baton Rouge individually should meet the UL Lafayette group at 10:30 a.m. on the State Capitol lawn. Lunch will be provided.

Patricia Cottonham, UL LafayetteСAPPs vice president for Student Affairs, said students are encouraged to attend, but reminded them to check with professors before registering. Students will be excused from classes as long as their absences do not conflict with tests, study and review sessions, or other obligations.

СAPPULS Day is important. Participants become ambassadors for their universities. ItСAPPs a chance to meet face-to-face with elected leaders and remind them of the economic and social contributions our members institutions make in every section of Louisiana,СAPP Cottonham said.

СAPPItСAPPs about strength in numbers. So please, join us Wednesday and donСAPPt forget to wear red!СAPP

Gov. John Bel Edwards, UL System President Dr. Jim Henderson, and system Board of Supervisors chair Mark Romero are expected to speak starting at 12:30 p.m. A group photo will follow at 1 p.m. on the Capitol steps.

Senators and representatives will recognize UL System Day in their respective chambers at 2 p.m.