How mechanical engineering major Cordell Portwood made the most of his internship during COVID-19

Written byElizabeth Rose-Arcuri

СAPPI was a kid in a candy store, from a mechanical engineering side. I was really lucky to be able to see all of that equipment opened up, learning about those large rotating pieces of equipment that kept the plant up and running.СAPP

Cordell Portwood
Mechanical Engineering
Baton Rouge, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Baton Rouge, where a family member suggested I apply for an internship at BASF North America.

Where I Am

IСAPPm majoring in mechanical engineering and staying open to other learning opportunities.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to work in plants, focusing on maintenance engineering and reliability for rotating equipment. 

Mechanical engineering major Cordell Portwood spent his summer learning about the plant turnaround process as an intern at BASF СAPP an СAPPinvaluableСAPP opportunity that gave him a deep look into plant operations.

A Rare Internship Experience

During his internship, Cordell shadowed experts to learn about the pumps and assist with the turnaround for the acetylene and formic acid plants at the . The turnaround included shutting the acetylene and formic acid plants for inspection, cleaning, and repairs. 

СAPPMy favorite part was just being able to see the equipment opened up, because itСAPPs such a rarity. It only happens once every four years,СAPP Cordell said. СAPPAnd being able to have an opportunity СAPP as a student СAPP to go in and be a part of the rebuild discussions and the decision-making process is just invaluable. 

СAPPI was a kid in a candy store, from a mechanical engineering side,СAPP he said. СAPPI was really lucky to be able to see all of that equipment opened up, learning about those large rotating pieces of equipment that kept the plant up and running.СAPP

Cordell worked closely with the project's technical expert and the liaison between the operations and the technical side of the turnaround. 

СAPPBeing able to bounce ideas and asking questions of the guru of the plant was fantastic,СAPP Cordell said. 

The Challenges of Being an Intern During COVID-19

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting nearly every workplace in the country, Cordell was still able to get in-person and hands-on experience, thanks to BASFСAPPs safety measures and commitment to the internship experience. 

СAPPBASF did a fantastic job of keeping their employees safe, making sure the plants kept running as safely as they could, and everything could continue as normal as possible,СAPP Cordell said. СAPPBecause they did that, it allowed me to stay on the site and really get the most out of my time.СAPP

When he wasnСAPPt on site and learning about the equipment, Cordell worked remotely to create a database of spare and interchangeable parts for the pumps. His work helped minimize the number of parts BASF needs to keep on site, as well as improve efficiency and turnaround for pump repairs. 

In addition to his practical knowledge, Cordell got valuable experience working in a professional environment. 

СAPPYou get to talk to so many different people from so many different backgrounds. You get to learn the soft skills of working in a true job environment in industry, and youСAPPre able to learn the technical knowledge that youСAPPre not able to learn from a textbook,СAPP he said. 

СAPPUL Lafayette does a fantastic job with their engineering curriculum, but there are some things you canСAPPt learn from a textbook,СAPP he explained. СAPPYou need to learn them in the field being mentored by someone whoСAPPs been in the field for a very long time. You need to see the equipment, and that experience just being comfortable in that environment is 100% worth it and valuable.СAPP

And, in some ways, the COVID-19 pandemic gave Cordell a professional advantage.

СAPPIСAPPm able to learn where the industry is going before it gets there, because itСAPPs a lot of those online meetings, working from home,СAPP he said. СAPPHow do you communicate with people working from home and people working in the office? How do you do certain things when you need to be at the plant but you can't?СAPP

Gaining an Advantage from Sports

Cordell is the president and captain of UL LafayetteСAPPs rugby team, a role that prepared him for his internships in unexpected ways. 

СAPPThereСAPPs always going to be a curveball, thereСAPPs always going to be something unexpected, whether thatСAPPs in a rugby game or in industry. ThereСAPPs something that will go wrong and you have to work with the people around you to solve or mitigate that problem,СAPP he said. СAPPThat team aspect is a fantastic learning experience and it definitely translates to the real world.СAPP

And his leadership role with the rugby team also taught him how to navigate the administrative side of an organization, from completing paperwork to conducting meetings СAPP СAPPstuff youСAPPre kind of expected to know but youСAPPre never taught,СAPP he explained. 

Using His Experience in School and Career

CordellСAPPs summer internship during the turnaround process СAPP combined with his previous BASF internship in wastewater and utilities and a semester-long co-op at Citgo СAPP are valuable for his immediate future in the mechanical engineering program and his long-term future as a professional mechanical engineer.

СAPPWhenever youСAPPre in industry, you have an opportunity to learn things that arenСAPPt presented in a textbook,СAPP he said. СAPPBut itСAPPs interesting when you learn the overall ideas and theories about certain topics in industry, and then you go and learn about them in your next class СAPP it makes it that much more interesting and exciting. ItСAPPs that back-and-forth training.СAPP 

After graduation, Cordell plans to work in plants, particularly on maintenance engineering and reliability for rotating equipment. 

СAPPI really do enjoy the plant setting. ItСAPPs pretty fast-paced. ItСAPPs ever-changing,СAPP he said. СAPPThere are problems that come up all the time, but with those problems youСAPPre also able to make solutions and be able to see the tangible results of your hard work.СAPP

Learn more about the mechanical engineering program at UL Lafayette

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