Meet communications student Zachary Schleter

Written byGrace Payton, strategic communication major

СAPPI chose to major in public relations because it gives me the foundation I need to go into several different fields. I am still unsure of what exactly I am doing with my life, but I know that I love to work with people and to write.СAPP 

Photo of Zachary
Zachary Schleter
Strategic Communication, concentration in public relations
Lake Charles, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Lake Charles, La., and UL LafayetteСAPPs culture is why I chose to study here.  

Where I Am

I am a strategic communication major with a passion for writing. 

Where I'm Going

I am going to pursue a career in social media.  

Zachary Schleter was attracted to UL Lafayette for the unique culture and comfortable feel on campus. 

СAPPThe campus is beautiful, and there has always been something so comforting about walking under the giant oak trees on campus,СAPP he said. СAPPEverybody who I interacted with in Lafayette and on campus prior to choosing to attend was so friendly and made me feel at home.СAPP

Zachary is a strategic communication major with a concentration in public relations. Studying public relations combines ZacharyСAPPs love for writing and working with people. He knew this was the right major for him during his first semester at UL Lafayette. 

СAPPMy passion for writing is what ultimately pushed me into the Department of Communication, and it was really cool to learn about all of the different ways I could potentially put my writing skills to use as a future communications professional,СAPP he said.

Currently, Zachary serves as the Secretary of ULСAPPs provisional chapter of Delta Lambda Phi, as an Honors Ambassador, on the Honors Board, and as a Peer Mentor. Zachary is grateful for the opportunities that these organizations have provided for him. 

СAPPAll of these organizations have given me the opportunity to grow as a leader, to challenge the way I think, to connect with other students with similar interests as me, and to serve those around me,СAPP he said.

UL Lafayette has allowed Zachary to customize his education with opportunities to choose classes that fit his schedule and his interests. 

СAPPI do not feel like I am taking classes just because they are required,СAPP he said. СAPPAt UL Lafayette, I have the opportunity to pick each of my general education courses strategically and craft an educational experience that is right for me.СAPP

ZacharyСAPPs post-graduation plans include pursuing a career in social media. Since serving on UL LafayetteСAPPs social media team, Zachary has interned at a local digital advertising agency where he will start working in a full-time position after graduation.

СAPPI chose to major in public relations because it gives me the foundation I need to go into several different fields,СAPP he said. СAPPI am still unsure of what exactly I am doing with my life, but I know that I love to work with people and to write.СAPP

Throughout his college journey, Zachary has utilized a variety of UL LafayetteСAPPs student resources. He feels a sense of comfort knowing that UL Lafayette will always be there to support him.  

СAPPIt is comforting to know that no matter what, the СAPP will take care of me and provide me with all of the resources I need to thrive СAPP both now and after I graduate,СAPP he said.