Meet health information management major Dustin Smith

Written byElizabeth Rose-Arcuri

СAPPI honestly never thought that I would enjoy college this much and be as active as I have been. It is not easy, and we definitely struggle through some classes but, thanks to our professors, we know that it will all be worth it in the end.СAPP

СAPP student Dustin Smith is in the health information management program
Dustin Smith
Health Information Management
Singer, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from a small town in Louisiana and came to UL Lafayette because I knew I could succeed here.

Where I Am

IСAPPm a health information management major, learning how to manage health records for clinics and hospitals.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to earn my MBA at UL Lafayette after graduation.

Dustin Smith came to UL Lafayette for college because it seemed like the perfect fit.

СAPPI knew that I would be able to succeed here,СAPP he said. СAPPThe campus is beautiful, and the professors really care for their students, which СAPP to me СAPP is very important for a studentСAPPs success.СAPP

That support from his professors made it easy for him to after he realized nursing, which was his original choice, wasnСAPPt the right one for him. So Dustin started exploring other healthcare degree options.

СAPPAfter learning of the health information management program, I did some research,СAPP he recalled. СAPPI learned all the different things you could do with a degree in health information management. I knew right away that this was the program that I needed to be in.

СAPPA lot of our responsibility as health information management professionals will revolve around the electronic health record and making sure information is input correctly,СAPP he continued. СAPPI look forward to being a part of a team that helps the medical professionals spot errors and avoid situations that could be detrimental to the patient, staff, and facility.СAPP

Studying Health Information Management at UL Lafayette

Because of the health information management programСAPPs smaller size, Dustin gets to know his classmates and professors better СAPP and they get to know him.

СAPPDue to the size of the health information management program, we get more opportunities to work one-on-one with our professors, and that has helped tremendously,СAPP he said.

СAPPIt is refreshing to really be able to know everyone in your class and be able to communicate with each other, which really makes studying for those big exams a lot easier.СAPP

Because of commitment to his classes, Dustin earned the Eddie V. Cooksey Scholarship from the .

Outside of his classes, Dustin is a member of the , which has helped him prepare for life after graduation.

СAPPWith the Health Information Management Society, I have managed to really get to know my professors and classmates more, but it does not end there,СAPP he said. СAPPI look forward to meeting other health information management professionals at the conventions that we attend, where we have the opportunity to get our name out there and possibly land a job after graduation from the connections we make now.СAPP

Dustin knows his hard work will pay off. When he graduates with his degree in health information management, heСAPPs planning to at UL Lafayette.

СAPPI honestly never thought that I would enjoy college this much and be as active as I have been,СAPP he said. СAPPIt is not easy, and we definitely struggle through some classes, but thanks to our professors, we know that it will all be worth it in the end.СAPP

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