PhysicistСAPPs research informs international teamСAPPs magnetic discovery


Scientists have long sought to fully understand the intricate mechanisms via which magnetic states change due to mechanical strain.

TheyСAPPre a step closer, thanks to an international team of researchers that includes Dr. Michalis Charilaou, an assistant professor in the in the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences.

Charilaou, whose research expertise includes magnetism and magnetic materials, collaborated with scientists from several universities around the world. Their study centered on magnetoelasticity СAPP the effect of tensile strain or stretching СAPP on magnetized materials.

The scientists discovered that when stress is applied to a thin, magnetized plate of nickel, the magnetic domains in the plate change shape. The significance of their observation rests on being СAPPthe first to actually see it happen, and observe how it happened.СAPP

СAPPTensile strain changes the distance between the atoms, which changes the electromagnetic forces between them. And you could see the shape of the fields inside the material change. ItСAPPs a miniscule change, but on a quantum level, it has a major effect,СAPP Charilaou explained.

The findings, he added, are the result of combining СAPPcutting-edge, high-resolution imaging experimentsСAPP conducted by collaborators at the Jülich Research Center in Germany, who relied on electron microscopy and holography. Micromagnetic simulations were conducted at UL Lafayette.

Results of the study were recently detailed in , a multidisciplinary journal that publishes natural sciences research.

СAPPOf scientific importance is that we have a better understanding of the process and the phenomenon; the more application-oriented importance is the ability to extrapolate those results,СAPP Charilaou said.

That means many things, including the potential for technological and manufacturing advances related to, for example, the development and construction of magnetized sensors.

ThatСAPPs no small consideration, since such sensors are essential for the function of everything from jets and automobiles to microwave ovens and smart phones. СAPPThere are probably about 100 magnets within 20 yards of you at any given time,СAPP Charilaou said.

Learn more about the scientistsСAPP research and read their full journal article .

Photo caption: Dr. Michalis Charilaou, of the Department of Physics, joined an international team of scientists who studied the effect of tensile strain, or stretching, on magnetized materials. The researchersСAPP findings carry the potential for technological and manufacturing advances related to magnetized sensors. Image credit: СAPP