From physics major to cancer researcher: Meet Dr. Jonas Fontenot

Written byAshley McClure-French

СAPPUltimately, the physics department faculty helped shepherd me into a life and career after college that aligned with my strengths and interests.СAPP

СAPP physics major Jonas Fontenot now leads cancer research at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
Jonas Fontenot
Graduation Year
Class of 2002
Crowley, LA

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Crowley, La., where I knew I was destined for a career in science.

Where I Am

I am the chief of physics and chief operating officer of Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center.

Where I'm Going

I am researching methods of shaping radiation doses to treat cancer patients better.

Over the last 12 years, Dr. Jonas Fontenot has worked his way from being a staff medical physicist to becoming the chief of physics and chief operating officer at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center.

СAPPMedical physicists are interested in using ionizing radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of human disease,СAPP he said. СAPPWithin a cancer center, that means that a medical physicist is responsible for serving as an interface between the science of technology and the art of medicine.

СAPPThe day-to-day for that particular role involves working with radiation oncologists who see patients who would benefit from radiation therapy and coming up with radiation treatment plans that are customized, unique, and personalized to each patientСAPPs disease and anatomy, and then coming up with strategies to actually deliver those radiation dose plans to patients each and every day,СAPP he said.

СAPPItСAPPs been a wild and fun ride,СAPP he said. СAPPItСAPPs certainly one that I did not anticipate.СAPP

The Road to Medical Physics

The start of his career in medical physics was also unanticipated.

СAPPI knew I was destined for something in science,СAPP Dr. Fontenot said. СAPPI didnСAPPt know exactly what I wanted to do when I got to UL Lafayette, but I had lots of options.

СAPPI started out in engineering but made my way to physics when I realized it was a better match for my interests,СAPP he said.

СAPPWhat I really enjoyed about physics is that if you know key concepts in a few key areas, you could apply that knowledge and understanding in lots of key areas."

СAPPWhat drew me to medical physics was accidental,СAPP Dr. Fontenot said. СAPPIt was really through a path of discovery that I would attribute to the physics program at UL Lafayette. I think for any physics major at any university, there comes a point in time where you ask, СAPPWhat am I going to do with this physics degree IСAPPm working toward?СAPPСAPP

When the time came for Dr. Fontenot to ask himself that question, the physics faculty were more than happy to help.

СAPPWhen I first asked myself that question, I had no idea what I might do with a physics degree,СAPP he said. СAPPBut the faculty provided a wealth of information about the possibilities that existed for somebody with a physics degree.

СAPPI was made aware of the field of medical physics from Dr. John Meriwether (Professor Emeritus), who was aware of an alumnus of the department who had gone on to a career in medical physics,СAPP Dr. Fontenot said.

СAPPIt appealed to me that there was a social component of the career,СAPP he said. СAPPIt also appealed to me that it was a field that I could apply physics concepts within applications that would benefit people with a diagnosis of cancer.

СAPPAfter talking through some of the general concepts of what medical physics was with Dr. Meriwether, he put me in touch with the alumnus that he had mentioned,СAPP he said. СAPPI reached out to him and spent some time with him. I found that time to be productive and interesting to the point that I decided it was something I wanted to pursue.СAPP

Gaining Unanticipated Skills

Once he earned his bachelorСAPPs degree from UL Lafayette, Dr. Fontenot started his graduate training in Houston where he learned more than he was expecting. He earned his Master of Science and his Ph.D. in Medical Physics at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

СAPPI think a graduate education and a career in science means youСAPPre often up in front of audiences, talking about research,СAPP he said, СAPPso the first few times I had to get up in front of a national or international crowd and talk about my ideas and things that I was pursuing, I was terrified.

СAPPBut with repetition and practice brings confidence and being able to get up in that sort of setting,СAPP he said. СAPPAnd being able to have a conversation with an audience about the ideas you have. I think that further honed and improved my ability to communicate with others about technically difficult concepts.СAPP

This skill of effective communication has been one that has translated from large-scale audiences to Dr. FontenotСAPPs patients and staff. It continues to be an asset in his career today.

СAPPThe ability and the need to communicate effectively with patients and staff members and physicians in terms they can understand is something I did not expect to spend as much time on,СAPP he said. СAPPBut as I gained more experience in the field, I realized thatСAPPs really an essential component of this career. That comes with time and experience.

СAPPItСAPPs been what I expected in some ways and not what I expected in other ways,СAPP he said. СAPPIt has certainly brought a large degree of satisfaction by being able to apply a skill set that I think not many people have, that benefits cancer patients and has a specific and unique and direct application. ThatСAPPs been very satisfying.СAPP

Dr. Fontenot's Current Radiation Research

Dr. FontenotСAPPs research is focused on improving radiation doses to target tumors better. He has numerous publications and received over $1 million in sponsored research funding. He was a key figure in bringing the to Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center.

СAPPThere is a lot of work that is done before a patient is ever treated with radiation therapy to make sure we get as much dose to the tumor as possible and spare as much normal healthy tissue as we possibly can from being irradiated,СAPP he said. СAPPItСAPPs always a balance СAPP itСAPPs never possible to do all of one and none of another."

СAPPMy research is developing new strategies and refining current approaches to improve the balance between treating the tumor and avoiding normal healthy organs,СAPP he said. СAPPIСAPPve been a part of that avenue of research for a number of years.

СAPPAs a group, weСAPPve been very successful,СAPP he said. СAPPIСAPPve been part of more than 50 papers that have been published in peer reviewed national and international journals. IСAPPve been a part of more than $5 million worth of research grants that have helped support that avenue of research.СAPP

The Role of UL Lafayette

Dr. Fontenot already had the ability to grow into someone great. Faculty and classes at UL Lafayette just provided the encouragement to pursue his interests.

СAPPI attribute my experience in the physics program at UL Lafayette to creating the foundation of support upon which my career has ultimately grown,СAPP he said. СAPPI think with the physics knowledge itself, IСAPPve gotten excellent instruction and training in undergraduate physics concepts.

СAPPI was also afforded the opportunity as an undergrad to take graduate physics courses, which I think strengthened my application to propel me into the No. 1 grad program in medical physics in the country at M.D. Anderson in Houston,СAPP he said.

СAPPThe department also provided me with contacts that not only made me aware of the medical physics profession,СAPP he said, СAPPbut also connected me with a summer internship in Houston that opened the door for me to get introduced with some of the faculty at M.D. Anderson and ultimately contributed to me getting into that program.

СAPPUltimately the physics department faculty helped shepherd me into a life and career after college that aligned with my strengths and interests,СAPP said Dr. Fontenot.

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