Tim Doré СAPP93, СAPP96 found his passion for geology at UL Lafayette

Written byElizabeth Rose-Arcuri

СAPPI ended up taking a physical geology course as an elective, and two weeks in I knew I was going to be a geologist. I quickly developed a passion for geology, changed my major and never looked back СAPP college got a lot easier after that, after youСAPPve found what youСAPPre meant to do.СAPP

Tim Doré
Graduation Year
Class of 1993 and 1996
Geology (BachelorСAPPs and MasterСAPPs)
Erath, La.

Where I'm From

I earned my bachelorСAPPs and masterСAPPs degree in geology from UL Lafayette while serving in the Louisiana Army National Guard.

Where I Am

IСAPPm a geologist with BP in Houston.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm using my skills and expertise to help BP determine where to drill for oil in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico.

Tim DoréСAPPs geology career has taken him from Lafayette to Houston to Calgary, Alberta and back to Houston СAPP where he's now working Deepwater Gulf of Mexico as a geologist for BP.

СAPPI work on the reservoir management team of one of our largest deepwater assets. ItСAPPs a field that we call Atlantis,СAPP Tim said. СAPPItСAPPs a really big oil field and my job is working within a multi-disciplined team to find new places to drill wells, both new producers and water injectors.СAPP

Tim came to UL Lafayette without a clear idea of where he wanted his life to go. That quickly changed.

СAPPI was undeclared, and I was struggling to figure out where my interests lay. I ended up taking a physical geology course as an elective, and two weeks in I knew I was going to be a geologist,СAPP he said. СAPPIt was effortless СAPP I didnСAPPt have to think hard about things, it came more natural, and I found myself looking forward to lectures and labs.СAPP 

СAPPWhenever you find what you love, itСAPPs not really work, as they say. After changing to geology, college got a lot easier for me, after finding what I was meant to do,СAPP Tim said.

When he found his major, he also found a close-knit group of students and faculty.

СAPPThe department was relatively small. Everybody knew everybody, and there was a lot of camaraderie among the students and the professorsСAPP he said. СAPPThe professors had a big impact on all of us. They kept the lectures interesting and offered up fantastic road trip opportunities over school breaks to get out and see interesting geology.СAPP

Learning Valuable Skills

Even in his current job, Tim still uses the knowledge and skills he got from his classes.

СAPPWhenever I was an undergraduate, I took lots of classical geology courses but also picked up practical skills you could apply on the job,СAPP he said. СAPPIn one class we were actually correlating logs and making maps, and I donСAPPt think a lot of schools were doing that.СAPP

СAPPThe skills I learned both in labs and field course assignments allowed me to hit the ground running, so to speak, when I landed my first job as a geologist.СAPP 

Tim decided to pursue his after graduation to improve his marketability for the job search. For his masterСAPPs thesis, he examined heavy metal partitioning in bottom sediments in Bayou Trepagnier, near Norco, La.

СAPPI sampled sediments up and down the bayou to understand the level of pollution, identify the main contaminants, and understand how those contaminants were held and potentially available to be released into the environment,СAPP Tim explained.

СAPPAt the end of the day, I think completing a thesis shows that you can undertake a big project and see it to completion, hopefully making some valid conclusions and perhaps even advancing the subject matter along the way.СAPP

Making Connections through Networking

As a student, Tim was involved in the Lafayette Geological Society, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists СAPP organizations that helped him make valuable connections that ultimately led to his first job.

СAPPYou get to network and meet lots of professional geologists in the area. That networking eventually led to an interview and my first job,СAPP he said.

СAPPI think thatСAPPs one of the reasons people should join their local societies СAPP you get to meet a lot of like-minded people and build your network and make lifelong friends. There are also plenty of ways to give back to the society, as well.СAPP

A Rewarding Career

Tim began working in Lafayette as a geologist for Vastar in 1997 right after he graduated with his masterСAPPs in geology. When BP purchased Vastar and its parent company in 2000, Tim moved to Houston to continue working with BP.

СAPPI always loved the Cajun culture and I never thought I was going to leave Acadiana until BP offered me a great opportunity,СAPP Tim said.

TimСAPPs work initially focused on oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico shelf, and then in 2006 he moved to Calgary, Alberta, as an expatriate for BP.

СAPPI had a four-year assignment working in Calgary, which was a highlight of my career СAPP working in a different hydrocarbon basin and getting to play in the mountains every weekend,СAPP he said.

After his assignment in Calgary was over, he moved back to Houston and started working in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico.

The field where he works now СAPP called Atlantis СAPP is about 17,000 feet below sea level, sitting in over a mile of water depth.

СAPPItСAPPs very challenging operating conditions,СAPP he explained. СAPPWe rely on the latest technological advances and the brightest minds to continue safely extracting oil and gas from Atlantis field.СAPP

With continued advances in technology, Tim is able to help BP find and invest in new well locations.

СAPPItСAPPs a lot of fun working on such a high value field,СAPP he said. СAPPThe team I work with comes up with drilling locations and ideas based on the integration of a lot of data and mapping.

СAPPItСAPPs like putting puzzle pieces together СAPP and that involves several disciplines and diverse viewpoints,СAPP he explained. СAPPItСAPPs quite rewarding when investment in your ideas makes a lot of money for the company and the shareholders."

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