UL Lafayette to use independent analysis to improve athletics


The СAPP is exploring ways to broaden the fan base and increase self-generated revenue for RaginСAPP Cajun athletics.

The СAPP and the RaginСAPP Cajuns Athletic Foundation recently hired Michael Alden, who retired last year as athletics director at The СAPP of Missouri, to coordinate an analysis of AthleticsСAPP finances and to review its facilities and facilities master plan.

СAPPWeСAPPre eager to delve into the recommendations and implement strategies to continue to improve our Athletics enterprise. We have tremendous student-athletes, fans and coaches. We want to make sure weСAPPre doing all we can to enable our athletics program to reach its full potential,СAPP said UL Lafayette President Dr. Joseph Savoie.

СAPPThis report gives us an independent and professional analysis to consider as we prepare AthleticsСAPP next strategic five-year plan.СAPP

Recent improvements to athletics facilities have been made by using private donations and other sources.

The RCAF has been a major contributor and driver behind these improvements. The RCAF raised a record $9.9 million for the 2015 calendar year.

Robert Daigle, RCAF president, said its members are proud of the athletics success of the RaginСAPP Cajuns and noted that games have an impressive economic impact on the community.

The 2013-14 football program alone had a local economic impact of over $27.3 million, according to a Lafayette Economic Development Authority study.

СAPPBy increasing the RaginСAPP CajunsСAPP opportunities to perform well in Division I, the highest level of collegiate competition, we also are investing in the local economy. Everyone wins,СAPP Daigle said.

СAPPThe RCAF is excited to assist with this report. RaginСAPP Cajuns Athletics has had incredible growth in the past five years, ranging from facilities to brand recognition. This report will inspire us to do even more to support the RaginСAPP Cajuns.СAPP

AldenСAPPs report makes 20 strategic recommendations.

One of them is intended to capitalize on multimedia to attract more fans and raise funding. UL Lafayette should СAPPcreate a competitive marketplace for expanded UL programming and set the stage for bringing in a multimedia agency to maximize revenues and resources,СAPP the report states.

Related recommendations include investing in production equipment and facilities to produce a much broader range of UL Lafayette sports programming and revamping and regaining control of media distribution.

The report also encourages the СAPP to enhance season ticket marketing and sales campaigns for football, menСAPPs basketball and womenСAPPs basketball.

Some of the recommendations support projects that are already underway, such as a priority seating program/point system.

AldenСAPPs report supports development of СAPP-owned property, adjacent to athletics facilities, for mixed use, including entertainment, retail and housing. A similar proposal is included in the СAPPСAPPs 2013 Master Plan for campus growth and development.

Statement from Director of Athletics Scott Farmer:

СAPPThe report also encourages the СAPP to enhance season ticket marketing and sales campaigns for football, menСAPPs basketball and womenСAPPs basketball.

СAPPSome of the recommendations support projects that are already underway, such as a priority seating program/point system.

СAPPAldenСAPPs report supports development of СAPP-owned property, adjacent to athletics facilities, for mixed use, including entertainment, retail and housing. A similar proposal is included in the СAPPСAPPs 2013 Master Plan for campus growth and development.СAPP

Link to report: