СAPP acquires NOAA building as lab school home


MADISONVILLE, La. СAPP Sen. John KennedyСAPPs (R-La.) plan for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to transfer the National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) building to the СAPP is completed, following approval in the House and Senate. Kennedy is a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, which first adopted the plan.
The building space will be a part of a laboratory school initiative within the College of Education and Human Development, known as the Learning Lab.
СAPPThe completion of the building transfer plan is a big win for the СAPP. The laboratory school will benefit countless people in years to come, and I am proud that our work on the Appropriations Committee helped make this happen,СAPP said Kennedy.
СAPPThe acquisition of the NOAA building enables the СAPP and its College of Education & Human Development to provide, through the creation of a laboratory school, a space for high-quality teaching that will foster within our youngest minds a lifelong love of learning. The Learning Lab will be a place that will inspire creativity, embolden curiosity, and promote an environment where aspiring educators can immerse themselves in a living model of best educational practices. The hard work and dedication of Senator Kennedy has set all this in motion, and weСAPPre very grateful for his leadership and support,СAPP said Dr. Joseph Savoie, СAPP president.


  • In 1993, the СAPP and NOAA agreed that, if NOAA ceased operations, the building would return to the university.
  • Following NOAAСAPPs announcement that or would discontinue operations in the building,Congress received a three-part plan, which includes returning the building to the СAPP, consolidating the NMFS into one suite in the building and leasing the space to NMFS from the СAPP.
  • The university relocated federal partners housed in the NOAA building in order not to disturb their scientific work.