Abigail Ray is using her minor in gender & sexuality studies to bring more depth to her sociology major

Written byAshley McClure-French

СAPPSociology looks at societies as a whole, and how people interact with one another in the communities they have created. I see my minor in gender and sexuality studies as a way to dive deeper and look at two minority groups that have grown stronger throughout our history by supporting others who have faced the same struggles.СAPP

Abigail Ray is a sociology student at the СAPP.
Abigail Ray
Lafayette, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Lafayette La., where I have always wanted to help people.

Where I Am

I am a sociology major who has learned to embrace my southern background while finding new ways to do things.

Where I'm Going

I am going to find my own way to help minority groups in the best way possible.

Abigail СAPPAbbiСAPP Ray knows one thing for sure: that she wants to help people.

СAPPI donСAPPt know which path I will take following grad school, but I know that whatever career I choose, I will be choosing it in order to help those who have been overlooked,СAPP she says.

A major in sociology is her first step toward her goal, and a minor in gender and sexuality studies is her second. 

СAPPSociology looks at societies as a whole, and how people interact with one another in the communities they have created,СAPP she said. СAPPI see my minor as a way to dive deeper and look at two minority groups who have grown strong throughout our history by supporting others who have faced the same struggles.СAPP

A Fulfilling Major & Minor

Abbi came into her college experience thinking there was only one way to achieve her goals.

СAPPI had originally decided to go to UL Lafayette to study nursing,СAPP she said. СAPPI had gone into nursing because that was the only concrete way to help people that I was sure about when I went into college, but while sitting through this class, I realized I found no fulfillment working in the sciences.

СAPPOne day I was sitting in my anatomy class and decided that I was not meant to be in the medical field,СAPP she said. СAPPI was enrolled in SOCI 241 (Social Problems) the same semester and found myself very attracted to the material we were learning. That day, I made the decision to !

СAPPI found myself waking up every day excited to learn whatever was being taught, and realized I felt so much happier in a field that dealt with people in a more right-brain way,СAPP she said.

Abbi also found meaning and happiness when she discovered the gender and sexuality studies minor.

СAPPI have always been drawn towards supporting the female community as a group,СAPP she said. СAPPIn high school, I started the first girlsСAPP retreat in order to create a sense of strength in sisterhood within my school community.

СAPPI was ecstatic to know that I could study something that would be able to help me be able to support the women I came into contact with,СAPP she said.

Supportive Faculty & Classes

The fulfillment Abbi gets from her education is amplified by the faculty in her department.

СAPPMy professors always had open doors (literally and figuratively) to welcome me in and show me a home,СAPP she said. СAPPWhile doing an independent study with Dr. Jo Derouen regarding my thesis, she was willing to open the computer lab for me throughout Christmas break and sit with me to sift through hundreds of essay responses. 

СAPPDrs Derouen, Pearce, and Kalich received countless emails from me with titles like СAPPPANIC!!!СAPP followed by strings of questions and exclamation points, and each time my emails received calm and loving responses, truly showing how much they cared about my success,СAPP she said. 

СAPPI believe that no other program focuses on graduating their students not only as more knowledgeable, but also more caring and accepting,СAPP she said. СAPPFor this reason, I will be forever grateful for the people in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Human Development & Family Science.СAPP

With classes focused on topics like Death and Dying (SOCI 480) and Queer Theory (SOCI 354), Abbi has found comfort and support while she has grown and matured.  

СAPPMany of the classes that I took not only focused on the curriculum but focused on growing its students into adults who will go out and change their communities for the better,СAPP she said. СAPPMy sociology classes have taught me how to act with compassion and understanding, and how to step into anotherСAPPs perspective before acting."

СAPPPreviously spending my entire educational career at a Catholic school, it blew me away to be able to learn about the sociology of sex in a classroom setting,СAPP she said. СAPPFor the first time, my mind was stretched and expanded, and this really changed the course of my life.СAPP

Embracing All Parts of Herself

Because of what she has learned at UL Lafayette, Abbi has grown to see her hometown in a new way.

СAPPI have lived in this city my whole life,СAPP she said, СAPPbut my college experience really differed from the way I lived in high school. 

СAPPGrowing into a person who learned not only how to accept my sexuality but find a home within the queer community was truly an eye-opening experience,СAPP she said. 

СAPPStaying here, in all honesty, was not my first choice,СAPP she said. СAPPBut staying in this city and growing to see it in a new light was such a beautiful experience. It has shown me what this community has to offer, and that each person can find a home in which they are loved and accepted for who they are. 

СAPPStudying at UL Lafayette has helped to combine my southern background with more progressive ways of thinking, showing me that change can be good, and that support is always around the corner as long as you open yourself to finding it,СAPP she said.

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