Biology major Christopher Acosta is multitasking and thriving as a UL Lafayette student

Written byQuinn Foster

СAPPMy favorite part about studying at UL Lafayette is the connections I made. It is great having peers who can relate to the stress of trying to get into professional schools as well as offering guidance to certain courses.СAPP

Christopher Acosta
Patterson, LA

Where I'm From

I am from Patterson, Louisiana.

Where I Am

I am a biology student. 

Where I'm Going

I plan to attend graduate school at Louisiana State СAPPСAPPs School of Dentistry. 

Christopher Acosta is ready for endless success on his academic journey. As a Patterson native, his decision to attend the СAPP was encouraged by the atmosphere of Lafayette.  

СAPPI chose to study at the СAPP because of my love for the city and its strong academic programs. But more importantly, everyone at UL Lafayette is positively engaged with each other as well as this СAPP embracing the unique culture of south Louisiana.СAPP 

Christopher wanted to choose a major that aligned with his passions.  

He said, СAPPI chose to study Biology because I am passionate about learning more about how the human body functions. This path allows me to follow my dreams and become a future dentist.СAPP 

His favorite biology course is Immunology, taught by   

СAPPEven though Immunobiology was an extremely complex course, I found it to be very interesting. Dr. Kulkarni did an amazing job of explaining the material. I highly recommend this course as well as this professor for anyone majoring in biology,СAPP Christopher said.  

He chose chemistry as a minor to complement his studies in biology.  

Christopher explained, СAPP[Chemistry] enhances my career prospects and provides a strong foundation in fundamental principles of biology.СAPP 

His favorite chemistry course is Organic Chemistry II taught by   

Overall, Christopher feels supported by the biology and chemistry departments.  

He said, СAPPMy favorite part about my program at UL Lafayette is the faculty. They are all amazing professors and are always willing to help their students.СAPP 

When it comes to student organizations, Christopher makes his presence known on campus.  

СAPPI am in the , and I am a board member with the position of webmaster. PPS allowed me to learn more about how to matriculate into professional schools as well as communicate with practicing professionals,СAPP he said.  

Christopher's dedication is commendable. He is a full-time student who works and is involved in organizations on campus. He appreciates meeting other students who share a similar lifestyle.  

СAPPMy favorite part about studying at UL Lafayette is the connections I made. It is great having peers who can relate to the stress of trying to get into professional schools as well as offering guidance to certain courses.СAPP 

He feels secure on his journey to becoming a dentist.  

СAPPI learned how to efficiently work well with other students and sharpened my manual dexterity. These skills will be extremely helpful as a future dentist as dentists primarily work with their hands and as a team,СAPP he shared. 

His advice to incoming students is to lead with intention and be involved on campus.  

СAPPRegardless of your major, I recommend joining any organizations, clubs, and intramural teams. This is an amazing way to meet new people and relieve some academic stress by taking part in something you are passionate about.СAPP 

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