How Niya Davis is getting hands-on experience in the geology program

Written byElizabeth Rose-Arcuri

"There are a lot of labs in geology, and as you get into minerology and petrology, you get to hold the minerals and learn how to identify them. ItСAPPs so hands-on that it makes sense. Once you see it in person, it sticks!СAPP

Niya Davis
Lafayette, La.

Where I'm From

I grew up in Lafayette and have always wanted to study rocks and minerals.

Where I Am

IСAPPm a geology major and IСAPPm super involved on campus.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to earn my masterСAPPs in geology after I graduate.

When Niya Davis was in the fourth grade, she traveled to the NASA Space Center in Houston for a field trip. That day, she fell in love with geology.

СAPPI remember it like it was yesterday,СAPP Niya recalled. СAPPI saw all these minerals, and I was like, СAPPIСAPPm gonna be a petrologist.СAPP"

"IСAPPve always had a curiosity about the earth and how it was formed and why it looks the way it looks.СAPP

When she graduated high school, NiyaСAPPs lifelong love of UL LafayetteСAPPs and the School of GeosciencesСAPP geology program drew her here.

Niya uses one word to describe her experience as a geology major: СAPPhands-on.СAPP

СAPPI feel like you cannot learn geology if itСAPPs not hands-on. There are a lot of labs in geology, and as you get into minerology and petrology, you get to hold the minerals and learn how to identify them,СAPP she said.

СAPPItСAPPs so hands-on that it makes sense СAPP youСAPPre not only looking at the name of the mineral but then also seeing what it looks like in person. Once you see it in person, it sticks!СAPP

Learning in the Mountains

Through the , Niya traveled with other geology majors to national parks across Wyoming, Montana, and Utah for six weeks СAPP an experience she said was transformative.

СAPPBeing able to understand how a fault forms and getting out of the textbook and seeing that coming to life was awesome,СAPP she said. СAPPActually being able to touch it and break pieces of rock off СAPP and being able to identify and explain and actually make sense of what you learned was so cool.

СAPPI was overwhelmed with joy. Standing on top of a mountain and realizing how big this world and earth is and how complex it is СAPP itСAPPs not something that everyone understands,СAPP Niya said.

СAPPAnd you have to be ok with not knowing everything СAPP itСAPPs a constant discovery.СAPP

Geology major Niya Davis with other student leaders at Chi Alpha on campus

Finding Connections on Campus

Back on campus, Niya has immersed herself in student activities. SheСAPPs in the , an assistant pastor for , and a member of the .

SheСAPPs also a student worker in , where she works with rare books and geological maps and organizes collections of Louisiana postcards. These projects make her feel more connected to the СAPP and the community.

СAPPI fell more in love with the community and the campus itself,СAPP she said. СAPPTo be able to see the families who donate their stuff СAPP itСAPPs generations and generations of pedigree charts. You literally get to look at family trees. You can see journals and diaries people bring, family photographs. To hear people talk about it and watch the development of it СAPP you should have seen some of those pictures!СAPP

Being involved on campus has taught Niya how to be a better student and a better person.

СAPPIt helps me with communication, organization, time management. I value community, so I value spending time with people, so I have to learn how to manage spending time with people and getting all my homework done,СAPP she said.

СAPPI like to make friends and let somebody know theyСAPPre there for them. I really value community and fellowship. You just canСAPPt do it by yourself.СAPP

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