Meet Austin Billedeaux, engineering technology major

Written byAmanda Burleigh

СAPPThis field of study could lead you to work on an oil rig, any type of production plant, or even doing cost analysis for a large-scale construction project. There are so many opportunities that come with this major СAPP the options are endless, really.СAPP

Austin Billedeaux
Engineering Technology
Lafayette, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Lafayette and most of my family, including my parents, are UL Lafayette alumni.

Where I Am

IСAPPm setting myself apart as an engineering technology major by minoring in business and Spanish.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to pursue the many opportunities that come with my major.

Meet Austin Billedeaux, an industrial technology (now engineering technology) major from Lafayette, La., who is minoring in business and Spanish.

Austin is a project assistant for Garden City Construction, a local general contracting firm, and is looking forward to the ample opportunities his degree affords him.

СAPPThis field of study could lead you to work on an oil rig, any type of production plant, or even doing cost analysis for a large-scale construction project,СAPP he said. СAPPThere are so many opportunities that come with this major. The options are endless, really.СAPP

Austin added his business minor largely because it was already integrated into his major.

СAPPHaving taken enough business courses to minor,СAPP he said, СAPPI now have some basic skills to not only understand the cash flow of a process but how to better manage myself and others.СAPP

To distinguish himself from other potential job candidates, Austin also added a Spanish minor to his curriculum.

СAPPI find that although itСAPPs important to understand the technical side of things, I wanted to reach outside the box and grab onto something that would be extremely useful in everyday life: another language,СAPP he said.

Austin energized his foreign language studies by participating in a study abroad program.

СAPPThis was basically an intermediate grammar class for foreigners taught in Spanish,СAPP Austin explained. СAPPI enjoyed the interaction with other foreign students from around the world. Outside the classroom, I really enjoyed my time living in another country where the climate was brilliant, and the city life was always alive with cultural holidays and busy metropolis scenery.СAPP

Austin knew he wanted to attend UL Lafayette because his life was already established in Lafayette. His parents and most of his other family members are also alumni.

СAPPI felt it was an easy choice,СAPP he said.

Austin was less sure about his field of study. Originally a general studies major, Austin changed his major to English, then civil engineering before finally landing in engineering technology.

СAPPIСAPPve always had a passion for learning and understanding a process, then finding a way to better that process,СAPP Austin said. СAPPDoing this makes things easier on oneСAPPs self and for anyone else who may be involved.СAPP

This skill, coupled with the versatility of engineering technology, gave Austin confidence for his future.

СAPPIf you understand how the major works, and where it is applicable, you can truly find a job almost anywhere in the world. IСAPPm not kidding,СAPP he said. СAPPSo many companies need technical and analytical minds so that their processes can be analyzed and restructured to be more efficient.СAPP

Outside the classroom, Austin has been involved in El Club de Español de UL (CEUL) and the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS), also known as Sigma Alpha Pi, and the International Student Council (ISC).

СAPPThe NSLS is an organization that helps people discover and achieve their goals, which is exactly what I did,СAPP Austin said. СAPPI became so much more organized in school, in everyday life, and even work. I learned how to set and manage goals for myself and even help others do the same by becoming a facilitator.СAPP

As part of his participation in NSLS, Austin has worked extensively on his Better World Project (BWP).

СAPPIСAPPve chosen to collaborate with a couple of friends, and we have created a small, non-profit organization called Project Parcs where we aim to create a fellowship among organizations in our neighborhoods in order to improve our parks,СAPP Austin explained. СAPPBy completing this BWP, I will become an Executive Member of this honor society and feel more than accomplished with my work.СAPP

The skills and abilities Austin has learned through his courses, organizations, and other experiences at UL Lafayette have prepared him to confidently venture into his future.

СAPPThere are so many opportunities at this university. You just have to look for them and I guarantee you that you will find exactly what youСAPPre looking for,СAPP he said.