Meet Brianna Franklin, biology major and student-athlete

Written byAmanda Burleigh

"I chose biology because I have always absolutely loved science. I also love helping and providing for others. Earning a degree in biology gives me the opportunity to do both in future career paths.СAPP

Brianna Franklin
Richmond, TX

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Richmond, Texas.

Where I Am

IСAPPm a defensive specialist on the volleyball team while majoring in biology with a concentration in medicine and allied health.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to pursue a career that allows me to combine my love of science and helping others, like medicine.

Brianna Franklin, a biology major from Richmond, Texas, is a defensive specialist on the Louisiana RaginСAPP Cajuns volleyball team.

Although her love of volleyball was a large influence on her decision to attend UL Lafayette, it wasnСAPPt her only reason.

СAPPI absolutely love everything about the academic side of attending this university,СAPP Brianna said. СAPPProfessors are relatable and friendly and make learning fun.СAPP

Brianna chose the biology program because it allowed her to follow her passions.

СAPPI chose biology because I absolutely love science, I have always known that,СAPP she said. СAPPI also love helping others and being able to provide for others. Obtaining a degree in biology gives me the opportunity to do both in future career paths.СAPP

BriannaСAPPs passion for science has been strengthened through her classes, especially Biology 111, which she took with Dr. Phyllis Griffard.

СAPPShe really opened my eyes about the fact that biology is not just in a textbook, but itСAPPs all around us all the time,СAPP Brianna said. СAPPShe would bring in plants and different fungi from around campus to use during her lectures which really brought the learning to life."

"She also made me appreciate LouisianaСAPPs unique ecosystems and their importance to our everyday lives.СAPP

BriannaСAPPs favorite thing about UL Lafayette is the family atmosphere.

СAPPThe hospitality of professors and fellow students makes studying here easy,СAPP she said. СAPPProfessors genuinely care about your education.СAPP

Brianna has truly enjoyed her experience with the biology department.

СAPPMy department is amazing because they are always willing to go the extra mile for students,СAPP she said. СAPPNot only am I always being taken care of, but I am getting great hands-on and hands-off experience. The labs and research opportunities are endless along with the influx of knowledge from great professors.СAPP

Brianna is confident the skills she is learning will help her succeed in her career.

СAPPAlthough I am only a sophomore here, I have already learned so much,СAPP she said. СAPPI have gotten in-depth instructions on skills in the lab that will stay with me for the rest of my scientific career, like proper microscope usage and knowing how to properly centrifuge materials. I have gained more efficient study skills and organizational skills that I will need in my future.СAPP


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