Meet chemical engineering major Andrew Curet

Written byAshley McClure

СAPPWith the help of the professors and their vast knowledge, this major will prepare anyone who goes through it to succeed in the world.СAPP

СAPP chemical engineering major Andrew Curet.
Andrew Boyd Curet
Chemical Engineering
New Iberia, La.

Where I'm From

I came to UL Lafayette from New Iberia, La., for the excellent engineering and music programs. 

Where I Am

I am a student researcher on a NASA-funded project in the Energy Institute of Louisiana.

Where I'm Going

IСAPPm going to make a difference and search for renewable energy solutions to help solve our energy crisis. 

Andrew Curet loves the challenge that comes with being a chemical engineering major at UL Lafayette. 

СAPPMy favorite part of the chemical engineering program is the difficulty,СAPP he said. СAPPBeing able to survive and thrive in this program while it being one of the most difficult in this СAPP is very fulfilling.СAPP

With challenging classes like Organic Chemistry (CHEM 231), Transfer Operations (CHEE 302), and Chemical Engineering Calculations (CHEE 201) as part of his curriculum, AndrewСAPPs learning comes from professors who are always willing to help. 

СAPPWith the help of the professors and their vast knowledge, this major will prepare anyone who goes through it to succeed in the world,СAPP he said. СAPPMy favorite part of studying at UL Lafayette is the people. Whether itСAPPs the staff or the students, life here is the best.СAPP

Getting involved through music

Outside of his required classes, Andrew takes pride in being part of the musical community on campus. 

СAPPMy favorite non-major classes have to be my music classes. I just love music and performing,СAPP he said. СAPPUL Lafayette is home to one of the finest music departments.

On top of being part the for the last three years, Andrew is in the steel drum band with the . 

СAPPI was given the opportunity to be a part of the UL Lafayette Percussion Ensemble for the last three years and be taught by some of the best in the country,СAPP he said. 

Impactful research outside the classroom

Andrew has also added research experience to his long list of extracurriculars. 

СAPPI am a student researcher and research assistant for the Energy Institute of Louisiana that is centered in the UL Lafayette Department of Chemical Engineering,СAPP he explained. СAPPAs of this past semester I was assisting grad student Nicholas Marcil in his NASA-funded research. 

СAPPHis research is dealing with the treatment of wastewater and the effects of the oxygen content on that treatment,СAPP he said. СAPPHis research is important for future missions to Mars.СAPP 

While he chose chemical engineering for its many uses, AndrewСAPPs plan for his future career is to improve life here on Earth.

СAPPIn the world today, chemical engineers are needed in almost every field of research and developing for the future. My interest is in renewable energy,СAPP he said. 

СAPPAs a chemical engineer, I will be able to be on the front lines, searching for a solution to our energy crisis,СAPP he said. СAPPI hope to make an impact with the knowledge I get from this wonderful school.СAPP 

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