Meet future astrophysicist Chansey Champagne

Written byAshley McClure-French

СAPPItСAPPs all close-knit so you build these relationships and itСAPPs like a second family. ThereСAPPs a lot of opportunities, like with the conference, and thereСAPPs internships. TheyСAPPre willing to give you opportunities to further yourself.СAPP

СAPP physics major Chansey Champagne.
Chansey Champagne
Cecilia, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Cecilia, La., where I watched space documentaries up until bedtime.

Where I Am

I am a research assistant working on micrometeorite research in the physics department.

Where I'm Going

I am going to pursue astronomy and get a job at NASA.

Chansey Champagne is a physics major with an interest in astronomy СAPP an interest that grew while watching the Science Channel growing up.

СAPPFor some reason, the TV would always play the Science Channel at home,СAPP she said. СAPPBeing an 8-year-old, I didnСAPPt really have the authority to change it.

СAPPBut then the space documentaries would start playing and it would catch my attention,СAPP she said. СAPPI started checking out space books from the library and learn as much about it as possible.

"That interest never really faded away. And then I learned that majoring in physics is the best way to be able to go into astronomy.СAPP

Student Research Opportunities in Physics

Chansey started at UL Lafayette with a scholarship as a student worker in the Department of Physics. With a curiosity for astrophysics, she took interest in assisting Dr. Manavi Jadhav's research on micrometeorites.

СAPPI thought it sounded fun to try to discover something that nobodyСAPPs really looked for,СAPP she explained. СAPPMicrometeorites have been found in Norway, but nobodyСAPPs thought to look here. So, weСAPPre trying to find them here in Lafayette."

Becoming involved with the micrometeorite research has required Chansey to be very hands-on СAPP and that's what makes it fun.

СAPPItСAPPs fun,СAPP she said. СAPPJust being able to find something that was once in space СAPP because you see stuff in museums, and yeah thatСAPPs cool, but to be able to find it yourself and learn about the process of what it took for that little piece of space dust to get here.СAPP

Finding Micrometorites

СAPPNormal meteorites fall every so often, but most of the material that falls to earth is too small to see,СAPP Chansey explained. СAPPItСAPPs only a few micrometers across. I think itСAPPs like 100,000 tons hit the earth every year, but we can only find them in really clean places like Antarctica that havenСAPPt been touched by people. Here, it would be mixed with organic dust and manmade dust."

To find the micrometeorites, Chansey and her fellow researchers are taking samples from flat-roofed buildings СAPP starting with buildings on campus.

СAPPWe went on the top of the roof of the physics building and we collected some dust. WeСAPPre in the stages of processing it,СAPP she said.

СAPPWe collect that dust, clean out the organic material, go with a neodymium magnet and collect all the really magnetic stuff. We clean out the organic material that might have stuck to it, then we go to look at them under a microscope.

СAPPAll of this research is based on a book about someone whoСAPPs doing the same thing in Norway,СAPP she said. СAPPSome of the stuff was kind of vague, specifically with how to clean it, so weСAPPre working out the kinks.

Showcasing Research Findings at Conferences & in Museums

The plan, if any micrometeorites are found, is to share their research.

СAPPWeСAPPre going to try to create a collection to study them,СAPP Chansey said. СAPPPeople have studied the big meteorites, but there have only been a few studies on micrometeorites. WeСAPPre going to try to work something with the because eventually, weСAPPre supposed to be collecting from their roof."

Chansey also plans to present their findings at the Louisiana Academy of Sciences conference.

СAPPIt will be the first time IСAPPve gone to something like this and shown off what IСAPPm doing," she said.

A Family of Physics Majors

Outside of the research, Chansey enjoys spending time with her physics family.

СAPPEven if youСAPPre having trouble in a class, if you go to that professor, theyСAPPre willing to help you,СAPP she said. СAPPThatСAPPs what theyСAPPre here for. ItСAPPs all close-knit so you build these relationships and itСAPPs like a second family.

"ThereСAPPs a lot of opportunities, like with the conference, and there are internships. TheyСAPPre willing to give you opportunities to further yourself.СAPP

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