Meet management major Ashley Newland

Written byAshley McClure-French

СAPPI know that I want to be in the business world and that this major provides me with many options for a career.СAPP 

СAPP student Ashley Newland is majoring in management.
Ashley Newland
Folsom, Calif.

Where I'm From

I came to UL Lafayette from Folsom, Calif., on a soccer scholarship.

Where I Am

I am a soccer player, a management major, and a growing leader. 

Where I'm Going

I am going to explore the many career options that suit my skills. 

Ashley Newland knows that she has a range of traits that she can apply in her career.

СAPPI am consistent, good in a crisis, open to learning, eager to meet new people, and am becoming a strong leader,СAPP she said.

She took this into account when deciding to major in management

СAPPI figured management is a good direction for all those traits and skills,СAPP she said. СAPPI was and still am not completely sure on what I want to do, career-wise, after college. I know that I want to be in the business world and that this major provides me with many options for a career.СAPP

Ashley has been on the since she started at UL Lafayette. She found ways to apply that experience to her life outside the team and to her management major.

СAPPThe soccer team has provided me with the skills to be a leader and taught me how to work well with other people, especially in difficult situations,СAPP she said. СAPPIt also provided me the opportunity to be a part of something greater than myself and learn how to be a selfless person.СAPP

Ashley has been impressed with her professors and the culture they create on campus.

СAPPThere are few professors who make understanding and learning a priority over grades, and I have had the privilege here at UL Lafayette to be taught by those few,СAPP she said. СAPPThey have taught me real-world skills that will help me be successful in the business world.  

СAPPI love being at a place that is so unique from other universities as well,СAPP she said. СAPPWe are the only RaginСAPP Cajuns and the only school with a swamp on campus, which is pretty awesome!СAPP

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