Melanie Benit СAPP15: From Louisiana to Italy to Israel to DC

Written byElizabeth Rose-Arcuri

СAPPInstead of litigating in the court room, IСAPPm on the ground in various states working in the court of public opinion.СAPP

Melanie Benit graduated from UL Lafayette in political science and studied counterterrorism in graduate school
Melanie Benit
Graduation Year
Class of 2015
Political Science & Marketing
Meraux, La.

Where I'm From

IСAPPm from Meraux, where I had plans to attend college out of state.

Where I Am

I graduated from UL Lafayette and attended graduate school in Israel.

Where I'm Going

I work for a national nonprofit law firm where I defend the rights of people from government abuse of power.  

Melanie Benit is using her political science degree as an activism associate at the DC-area Institute for Justice, where she works in capitals and in the streets to advance laws that improve the lives of people of modest means.

When Melanie declared political science as her major, she didnСAPPt expect to work in public policy.

СAPPLike many, I wanted to go to law school, so I started as a political science major with a pre-law concentration. I took at least 18 hours every semester and was on track to complete my degree in two years, but I wasnСAPPt yet ready to give up my time at UL Lafayette,СAPP she said. СAPPI decided to double major in marketing and .СAPP

СAPPStudying abroad changed the course of my life because I realized I didnСAPPt want my career to be in a court room; I wanted to be in the thick of things, making real-time policy changes.СAPP

When she came back to campus after her summer abroad, she confided in her professors, who encouraged her to attend graduate school instead of law school.

Studying & Working in Public Policy

СAPPFast forward, and I decided to move across the world to Israel to study homeland security and counterterrorism,СAPP she said.

She attended the . She earned her Master of Arts in Government, Counter-Terrorism, and Homeland Security with a specialization in cybersecurity.

Her research focused on how poor governance contributes to the struggle against terrorism. After graduating, she moved to the Washington, DC, area to begin her career promoting policies that uphold free societies and promote limited government, with a special focus on addressing the many underlying issues of terrorism.

СAPPNow, I find myself ,СAPP she said. СAPPWhile our attorneys litigate in the court room, IСAPPm on the ground in various states working in the court of public opinion. I host townhalls, lead rallies, and lobby legislators in support of the Institute for JusticeСAPPs various constitutional issues.СAPP

Getting Her Start at UL Lafayette

Melanie credits her experiences at UL Lafayette for helping her start her career. She was originally drawn to UL Lafayette because it was affordable, but stayed because of the opportunities she had here.

СAPPWhat makes a college experience worthwhile is how much youСAPPve been challenged to think and to grow,СAPP she said. СAPPStudents at UL Lafayette have so much opportunity to explore new ideas and places, and they need only get out of their comfort zone and try.СAPP

When the opportunity came up for Melanie to get out of her comfort zone, she rarely said no. She was involved in the , , , , , Model Organization of American States, , and multiple honor societies.

СAPPUL Lafayette is the greatest institution of higher learning in Louisiana, and one of the greatest in the nation,СAPP Melanie said. СAPPFrom the beautiful campus of red brick and our own personal swamp, to the professors who know you by name and wish you all the success in the world СAPP it is a remarkable place to be.

СAPPLafayette is great city to СAPPcome of ageСAPP in: it has culture, good food, lots of things to do, yet still has a feel of home," she said. "I loved every moment of my time at UL Lafayette.СAPP

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